Sunday, 26 December 2010

Tesco builds £7m police station - in return for new giant superstore

Work in progress: Tesco have funded a new police station in West Bromwich which will cost around £7m

The new police station in West Bromwich is the first in the

UK to be paid for by a supermarket chain, and is part of a

£200m redevelopment plan funded by Tesco.

Oh no you can't!: Killjoy officials ban panto stars from throwing sweets to children -

and outlaw genie's pyrotechnic entrance

Banned: The typical scene of a genie appearing with a puff of smoke in Aladdin has been barred by council officials in Barrow, Cumbria

Council officials have now decided that throwing boiled sweets is a health-

and-safety risk and have ordered amazed actors to lob marshmallows into

the crowd instead.