We would like to introduce our newest contributing writer Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Rabbi Lapin is a frequent guest on Glenn Beck's TV show and an expert teacher of the Old Testament. His articles will consist of his weekly Thought Tools. Here is his first article. Cities Theopolis Americana Globalism Revisited, Part 5 Vaccines Side Effects - H1N1 Flu Vaccine The Importance of History, Part 26
I love this season. I don’t celebrate Christmas but I respect it and enjoy its sights and sounds. I enjoy the music in the malls. I enjoy the lavishly lit displays and colorfully decorated homes. All this is far more noticeable in cities than in remote rural areas. Cities are places where the highs are higher but the lows are lower. In large cities, people can find friendship and connection no matter what their interests, but in large cities......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Not so with the Novus Ordo Seclorum (“New Secular World Order of the Ages”). Globalism is a godless counterfeit of God’s intended plan. Deceived backers from among “peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues” are destined to share “one mind” with respect to globalism’s empty promises. Anticipating a mass planetary shift to enlightenment, duped global citizens will put their trust in “lying wonders.” In the end, sudden destruction, not peace, will be their unanticipated recompense.......
by Debra Rae
The H1N1 Flu vaccine has proven to cause many unwanted side effect. Between the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting system in Washington and other reliable sources, the side effects are stacking up. Not only was the vaccine rushed to the market, it was based on flawed reports from the Center of Disease Control and the World Health Organization. It is common knowledge that the flu vaccines have always had.....
by Mary Tocco
Will we ever get back to the great nation we once were? That will only be answered in time. It will depend on whether we decide to return to our roots, return to the morals that our Founders lived by. Return to the desire to live for God instead of ourselves. Our Founders knew that without God they would not be able to do anything. The days of prayer and fasting that were called for during the Revolutionary War were numerous and from the heart because they knew that without the Hand of God, they would.......
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 10:05