Israel should relocate the Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank to the Arab world The Palestinians are, by Arab design, an open wound in Israel’s body that the Arabs and their left-wing enablers deliberately keep open to bleed Israel dry no matter how many years it takes. Israel needs to close this wound by removing a good two out of three Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with the minority that is willing and able to live in peace being allowed and even encouraged to remain. Most of the world already falsely accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing and other atrocities. If the world is going to punish you unjustly for something you didn’t do, you may as well do that something and it is past time for Israel to take off the gloves. Ethnic cleansing or even genocide is a crime against humanity only if you end up on the losing side. Hitler was unfortunately right when he said, “Who remembers the Armenians?” and it is telling that... Arab Tribal Family Honor Trumps all other considerations even Islam itself in most cases. Yamit Palestinian family sends mentally ill son to settlement in hope IDF shoots him Boy caught near central West Bank settlement of Beit El, said family forced him at gunpoint to go to settlement in hopes he would be killed. A Palestinian caught trying to infiltrate a settlement Wednesday night claims he was sent by his family members, who had hoped he would be killed by soldiers during the infiltration. Israel Defense Forces soldiers patrolling the central West Bank near the settlement of Beit El on Wednesday spotted a Palestinian walking toward the settlement and subsequently arrested him. According to the investigation into the incident, the boy was behaving in a strange manner and the soldiers originally thought that he was drunk. Later on in the investigation, it was clarified that he was actually suffering from a mental illness. The boy told investigators that his... Anything I say would not do justice for the anger I have towards the faux leaders of Israel. I am more pissed off at our leaders past and current than I am at the British who are only acting like normal antisemitic Brits. In this case what is the difference between the Brits and Hamas? Both withhold information about Jewish captives for nefarious reasons. These Brits who let the Libyan murderer of hundreds, Americans and Brits escape Justice and return to Libya for commercial concerns. Are we any better? Yamit Being “Mr. Nice Guy” Doesn’t Help ... “The Law of the land is the law.” By Rabbi Aryeh Spero, AMERICAN THINKER Many stealth jihadists pushing to have Shariah law instead of American civil law govern American Islamic communities are making the preposterous claim that Shariah Courts are similar to Jewish religious courts that observant Jews often use to adjudicate intra-community disputes. This is entirely inaccurate given that Shariah has as its goal the replacement of American law with Shariah, whereas Beit Din, Jewish religious court, limits its purview and has no intent or desire to flout American law. Over 1800 years ago, the Talmudic Rabbi Samuel set the tone of how Jews were to interact with the laws of Babylonia, which had become the primary residence of the Jewish People after its exile from Israel. His statement and decision has guided the Jewish community throughout their dwellings in new lands: “The law of the land is the law.” Rabbi Samuel understood, as did all subsequent rabbinic... Tax Reform: A New Hope for ObamaWho Will Remember the Palestinians?
by Bill LevinsonLow Cost Palestinian Mental Health Care
Lesson yet to be learned….No More Mr. Nice Guy!
Israel doesn’t frighten anyone or any country. Deterrence doesn’t work. The world sees Israel as a pathetic rudderless country begging its enemies for peace, willing to cut out its heart and shoot its mother. Our sticking to fictional “rules” and “moralities,” we deny our very legitimacy. No other country would endanger itself this way, and it hasn’t done us any good.
No Comparison: Shariah and Jewish Religious Courts
Don’t count Obama out yet
By Amitai Etzioni President Obama has found a new way to deal with the difficult political situation he is facing as a result of the midterm elections. He recently unveiled a major policy move that cannot be easily boxed in as left or right, and hence serves his tendency to seek common ground. However, unlike previous moves, it does not seek to do so by splitting the difference or compromising. When this was done, as is all too clear in the case of the tax bill, the GOP got all they wanted and the Democrats got rather little. (A two-year extension of all the Bush tax cuts costing $544 billion over the next two years, and – for the richest of the rich—a very low tax on estates —in “exchange” mainly for a 13-month long extension of unemployment benefits, of an estimated value of $56 billion). This time, President Obama is calling for a major tax reform that would greatly simplify the code, close many loopholes, and thus allow reducing the...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
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Britannia Radio