Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The First Post Daily Email

The First Post

Zero degrees of empathy - it’s the root of all evil

Michael Bywater on Simon Baron-Cohen’s fascinating study of what makes some people able to be cruel

Unmasked and ungagged: Andrew Marr comes clean

BBC journalist breaks his own injunction to admit he had extra-marital affair

Stand by for early general election after AV row

The Mole: How do Cameron and Clegg climb back into bed together after this ugly slanging match?

Ten things you need to know today

Tuesday: The First Post’s super-quick catch-up on the main news talking points

Scramble for tickets as Olympic deadline looms

Public rush to apply for London 2012 tickets, but fears persist over empty seats

Guardsman banned from wedding after Kate slur

A Scots Guard is removed from royal wedding duty after online 'posh bitch' remark

Carla Bruni ‘pregnant at last’ says French magazine

Un petit Bruni-Sarkozy est sur la route, according to Closer - and the Elysee Palace is not denying it