On C4P I kept informing everyone of my opinion that the US shouldn’t be in Libya. I asked Palin to recalibrate. And she has done just that. Ted Belman Sarah Palin’s Facebook Post Today. Donald Trump: How did Barack Obama get into Columbia and Harvard? ‘How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?’ Trump asked. Donald Trump is upping the ante against President Barack Obama’s legitimacy, raising questions on Monday night about how the president was admitted to two Ivy League schools. Trump openly questioned how Obama, who he said had been a “terrible student,” got accepted into Columbia University for undergraduate studies and then Harvard Law School. “I heard he was a terrible student, terrible,” Trump told the Associated Press in an interview, a claim he’s made in the past but one he doubled down on by suggesting he’s probing that area of the president’s life. Stephen Schwartz: … Throughout the first day of the conference, denunciation of Israel as an “apartheid state” comparable with the formerly-segregated South Africa was obnoxiously common, as were claims that American Arabs and American Muslims face bias similar to that of ethnic Japanese in the Western U.S. and Canada subjected to internal relocation during WWII. Yet an even worse element of anti-Israel rhetoric was present: equating Israeli relations involving Palestinians and Arabs with slavery and segregation in the U.S. In doing so, the participants flaunted equal ignorance of Middle Eastern and American history. … This is the saddest Easter in the long epic of Arab Christianity: The cross is near extinction in the lands of its origin. The much-vaunted diversity of the Middle East is going to be reduced to the flat monotony of a single religion, Islam, and to a handful of languages. In 1919, the Egyptian revolution adopted a green flag with the crescent and the cross. Both Muslims and Christians participated in the nationalist revolution against British colonialism. Now, according to the Egyptian Federation for Human Rights, more than 70 Christians a week are asking to leave the country due to Islamist threats. The numbers are telling. Today there is only one Middle Eastern country where the number of Christians has grown: Israel. As documented in the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, the Christian community that numbered 34,000 people in 1949 is now... By Ted Belman A month ago, PEW Global did a poll in Egypt and found “only 36 percent of Egyptians are in favor of maintaining the treaty, compared with 54 percent who would like to see it scrapped.” “The conservative Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and the largely secular April 6 movement – two groups closely involved in the uprising, had the highest approval ratings in society, with over 70 percent seeing them in a very or somewhat favorable light. “People also overwhelmingly approved of the army, which forced out Mubarak and is currently in the control of the country. ” Daniel Pipes writes on the post-Mubarak Egypt and says that Mubarak is gone but the army is still in control. “The military is not secular. From the furthest origins of the Free Officers in the 1930s to the recent reaffirmation of Sharia (Islamic law) as “the principal source of legislation,” the Egyptian military leadership consistently has displayed an...Palin demands Obama come clean on Libya
Please make up your mind, Mr. President. You can’t vacillate when spending America’s human and fiscal resources in yet another foreign country without good reason. You said that Libyan leader Gaddafi has got to go. Many of us heard that as your call to action and agreed, “Okay, you’re right. He’s an evil dictator who kills his own innocent people, so enforce a no-fly zone so he can’t continue an aerial slaughter.” But then you said our mission in Libya isn’t to oust Gaddafi after all. (Or vice versa on the order or your statements. Between you and your advisers the public has been given so many conflicting statements on why we’re intervening in Libya that I apologize if I can’t keep up with the timing and rationale of your murky foreign policy positions.)
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“How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard? I’m thinking about it, I’m certainly looking into it. Let him show his records,” he said, without providing backup for his...‘Litigating Palestine’ at a Public-supported Law School
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
By Clifford D May, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
THE WAR AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS: Italian author Giulio Meotti writes:
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:52