Saturday, 30 April 2011 07:29 Saturday, 30 April 2011 07:15 "This morning, the US Supreme Court dealt a crushing blow to American consumers and employees, ruling that companies can ban class actions in the fine print of contracts".' Read more: Supreme Court Lets Corporations Ban Class Actions Saturday, 30 April 2011 07:11 'Member nations of the European Union are in secret talks, which include the United States, to implement a “Great Firewall Of Europe” which will block and censor online content to all nations in Europe. The proposal is very similar to the China firewall which blocks access to blogs, social networking sites and all foreign news websites that publish anything that contradicts official state sponsored propaganda.' Saturday, 30 April 2011 06:48 'This thing has a mic, a webcam, a RFID chip, wireless capability…pretty much everything needed to monitor your moves and to send that info somewhere. Here’s an ad for the product.' Saturday, 30 April 2011 06:28 'It's the biggest flim-flam in the nation's history. But, thanks to the Congressional Research Service, the scam has been exposed and the public can now get a good look at the type of swindle that passes as monetary policy. Here's the scoop: When Fed chairman Ben Bernanke initiated the first round of Quantitative Easing (QE), the stated goal was to revive the flagging housing market by purchasing $1.25 trillion in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) from the country's biggest banks. The policy was a ripoff from the get-go. No one wanted these mortgage stinkbombs that were stitched together from subprime loans to unqualified applicants. But because the banks were already busted--and because the $700 billion TARP was barely enough to keep the ventilator running until the next bailout came through-- the Fed helped to conceal its real objectives behind an elaborate PR smokescreen. In truth, the Fed must have colluded with the banks to move the toxic assets off their books (and onto the Fed's balance sheet) with the proviso that the banks withhold foreclosed homes from the market.'
Saturday, 30 April 2011
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Britannia Radio