Just to catch up on the latest bright ideas? There’s a saying: “One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.”… And that’s where I’m heading now, with the latest news from Brussels. They banned lightbulbs, reduced the power of flat-screen TVs to stop ice-caps melting on Mars, and are trying to force bikers to wear Day-Glo jackets, but now the EU is shoving its nose into vacuum cleaners. Some popular vacuum cleaners are 2,000 watts. Other bestsellers are the 1,300-watt Dyson DC33, and the 2,300-watt Miele S5211 (You probably wonder how I know this stuff. Amazes me, too). All these vacuums will be banned under the new proposals, which reduce the motor to 900 watts. There’s another saying: “If you spin an oriental person three times in a circle, do they become disorientated?” No idea, but I certainly felt dizzy when I heard that Brussels had fined Nottingham University £56,000 for not displaying the EU flag on a board outside the college building, because British taxpayers’ money had helped refurbish it. UKIP MEP, Derek Clark, said: “This is a disgrace and an awful thing to do to a university. These European officials insist on having flags put up to tell people how wonderful they are. They’re nothing of the sort.” Thanks for that, Brussels…. But just remind me: when did I give you the power to tell me what size vacuum-cleaner to buy? And tell me again, how do I vote you out? … David Challice UK Independence Party For more information please FREEPHONE 0800 587 6 587 or visit www.ukip.org
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Politics List
It's all happening today! People are getting very angry....and rightly so!
We should leave the EU! Save our £50m per day and let them get on with it! (Lot of money, that!)
Just passing it on P - - - - - -Bromsgrovia.
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Britannia Radio