Sunday, 30 October 2011

Pino is wrong, Israel is a vital US strategic asset

To All,

If a tenured professor said "Death to Palestine,"
he would be fired for advocating genocide.
And I would be the first to agree with that punishment.
Where is your University's sense of academic values and ethics?
Your university is a disgrace and a stain upon academic integrity.
I will debate Prof. Pino, any place and any time.
Yours truly,
Mark Langfan

Pino is wrong, Israel is a vital US strategic asset

Dear Prof. Pino,
Professor Pino is wrong, Israel is a vital and indispensible US and NATO strategic military asset.
My graphics below prove it:
Israel’s Strategic Value Western Theater (with Erdogan quote)
Israel’s Strategic Value Western Theater (Cyprus Graphic)
Israel’s Strategic Value Eastern Theater
Eastern Theater1
Israel’s Strategic Value Eastern Theater
Eastern Theater 2

Thank you for your consideration.
Mark Langfan

Office# (212) 832-0200
Cell# (646) 263-4606