The Bible-Belt is Unbuckled
The church has become secularized. The salt of the earth has been leavened by the salt of the world. For the most part, people who attend church think no differently about issues than their neighbors who don’t attend church. For many pastors, pastoring is a job, with job security. Especially in tough times more customers are in need of food......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
How Pure Crapola Becomes Settled Science
People understand that Congress is unspeakably corrupt. Many also understand that our “news” media suppress and distort the news; that our public schools and colleges make their students dumber instead of smarter; or even that certain churches train their congregations more in the way of worldliness than godliness........
by Lee Duigon
Mass immigration and amnesty will not save Social Security
You may hear that America must continue importing millions of worker immigrants in order to save Social Security for our aging American population. Such advocates fail to understand that immigrants grow old, too, and will tap into Social Security programs at a greater rate and speed than they paid into the program......
by Frosty Wooldridge
The King's Chapel, And The King's Court
Ladies and gentlemen, when the churches and courts lose their independence, when they lose their ability to think for themselves, when they lose their courage to stand against "the powers that be," when they cannot be trusted to judge righteousness and stand for truth, then freedom and liberty are threatened with extinction in the land. And that is exactly the threat that these States United now face!........
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin