In one reckless decision that will reverberate for generations, Greek Prime Minister Papandreou has doomed the European Union by exposing it to a potentially lethal dose of poisonous democracy.
The interlude between the announcement of the newest bailout deal and the Greek Prime Minister’s announcement was so brief that European leaders didn’t even get to enjoy a full sigh of relief.
It is quite likely that the Greek people will vote down the latest bailout offer.
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Thursday, 3 November 2011
Democracy: the Straw that Broke the EU’s Back
Nov 3rd, 2011
Midway through it, the ground fell out from under their feet, casting the EU and global markets once more into the abyss.
This isn’t necessarily owing to whether or not this deal is fair or the best way to rehabilitate the Greek economy.
Rather, a no vote will be the natural culmination of months and months of growing popular resentment towards a political process in Brussels that is totally detached from the Greek people.
What’s more, the vote could quite easily become a referendum on the whole storied history of democratic indifference in Brussels- indifference that has created popular resentment since well before the Greek sovereign debt crisis came to dominate global headlines.
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