Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Did Merkel Just Usher In The Deutsche Mark?

Rather worryingly, Bloomberg is reporting a Handelsblatt report (due tomorrow) that Mrs. Merkel is investigating ways to enable countries to leave the Euro.

Did Merkel Just Usher In The Deutsche Mark?

Tyler Durden's picture

Rather worryingly, Bloomberg is reporting a Handelsblatt report (due tomorrow) that Mrs. Merkel is investigating ways to enable countries to leave the Euro.

Merkel's CDU Seeks to Make Euro Exits Possible (via Bloomberg)

RMBS patents ruled invalidGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party wants to make it possible for European Union members to exit the euro area, Handelsblatt reported in a preview of an article to be published tomorrow, citing unnamed participants in the discussion.

A commission within the party, that is crafting a framework to be presented at a party meeting, has proposed allowing a euro member who doesn’t want to or isn’t able to comply with the common currency rules to leave the euro region without losing membership in the EU, the newspaper said.


Game over?

Game Over? Reuters Says Germany, France Exploring Idea Of Core Euro Zone, End Of Existing Structure