Saturday, 26 November 2011


The latest news, analysis and comment on the UK and global economy.

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Can Osborne get the economy back on track?

Six weeks ago, Adrian Beecroft was not a name to trip off the tongue of many of those in Whitehall. On the apocryphal Clapham omnibus, he would not turn many heads.

26 Nov 2011

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Tax reform remain key to opening Britain for business

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement is meant to be a stark contrast to the Pre-Budget Reports of his predecessors.

26 Nov 2011

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It is now becoming clear Germany has had enough of this euro mess

The Anglo-Saxon world is feeling smug this weekend. UK and US policymakers are counting their blessings they’re not directly embroiled in the historic debacle that is the single currency.

26 Nov 2011


Autumn Statement: George Osborne's path out of the UK's economics problems

Philip Aldrick reveals the key planks of the Chancellor's growth agenda in this week's Autumn Statement.

26 Nov 2011


Grim news, but Chancellor George Osborne must stay the course

Telegraph View: It is vital that the Chancellor holds his nerve on the public finances - he cannot spend money he doesn’t have.

26 Nov 2011

Truth behind the jobless generation

Blair’s obsession with university for all was meant to create a golden era for graduates. But the number of young unemployed now exceeds one million.Emily Gosden and Neil Tweedie report

26 Nov 2011

Debt crisis live: as it happened Nov 25

Wall Street ends the week lower, giving up an earlier bounce, and Belgium has its credit rating downgraded, capping a day of worries over rising eurozone debt costs after Italy's bond auction.

25 Nov 2011


The return of the recession: 'economy will shrink in new year'

Ministers shocked as Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation predicts UK economy will fall back into negative growth in first six months of 2012 due to euro crisis.

25 Nov 2011


Weale says Bank ready to print more money

Bank of England policymaker Martin Weale has signalled the Bank is ready to pump more new money into the ailing economy through quantitative easing (QE) in February.

25 Nov 2011


American shoppers save FTSE 100 from tenth straight day of losses

Thanksgiving spending by 152m Americans triggered a surge on Wall Street that spread to bourses in Europe, though traders' optimism was thin wrapping on a day that was otherwise devoid of celebration.

25 Nov 2011


Why a German downgrade is the next logical step in the euro crisis

If someone suddenly says "Grunderkrach" to you today in an animated state, they're not hurling abuse with an obscure Germanism, no matter what it might sound like.

25 Nov 2011


Clegg hints at tax rise for 'wealthy' in Autumn Statement

Wealthier people may have to pay more tax next year under plans to be announced in the coming days, the Deputy Prime Minister indicated on Fridays.

25 Nov 2011


S&P downgrades Belgium's credit rating

Belgium's credit rating has been cut by Standard & Poor's, on concerns that funding pressures could mean the country will have to take on more debt from its banks.

25 Nov 2011


There's a whiff of Weimar about Cameron’s austerity

The British Government has convinced itself that there is virtue in austerity, writes David Green.

25 Nov 2011


Global slowdown triggers China factory strikes

Factory strikes have spread across China as slowing orders from the West and increasing wage pressure triggers unrest.

25 Nov 2011