Monday, 14 November 2011
Inbred N W O family accepts nations as collateral
How cozy.
Europe is becoming one big happy family, all sleeping in the same boudoir after a hard day's orgy.
Now go ahead, tell me this is a coincidence:
When it became obvious that Greece was about to default on its euro-based sovereign debt, a hastily assembled coalition government picked (or had picked for them?) Lucas Papademos, former member of the Boston Federal Reserve Bank, former Vice President of the European Central Bank (ECB), the institution that administers monetary policy of the EU, and also a member of the Trilateral Commission, icon of the legendary New World Order.
Likewise, when Italy could no longer pay its bills and was teetering on the verge of becoming a euro zone dropout, their hastily assembled coalition picked, as their new prime minister (or had picked for them?), Mario Monti, once the EU Commissioner (highest ranking EU official) and also the Chairman of the Trilateral Commission.
Now a new video by Max Keiser shows how these countries fall into ruin in the first place. In their narrative, it is all orchestrated, from start to finish (this is the finish) by bankers. In the case of Greece, a Greek economist tells Keiser that Goldman-Sachs, Greece's banker, had cooked the books on the Greek debt to make it appear as if they owed much less -- until the noose was tight, that is. This is not to say that the Greeks had no responsibility to keep their own books on debt, but if it is true, it provides a glimpse of a criminal mindset at that bank. Given all the incestuous relationships here, can there be any doubt that the cultures are circling -- the same ones that helped Europe's nations into bankruptcy perhaps?
If anyone is still laboring under the notion that Europe is an assemblage of sovereign nations whose destinies are in the hands of the people --i.e., a democracy, of the kind the West says they wish to export to the Middle East, for example, the following video should help you disabuse yourself of it.
The overall picture here is one of money interests reigning supreme in the Western power structure. Brutal social Darwinism with the mask peeled off.
And if anyone really thinks all those NATO bombs were about freeing the masses in Libya, then check out this video and article:
How to make sense of all this confusion?
Have you read your Bible lately?
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Britannia Radio