Friday, 4 November 2011

MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute
Inquiry and Analysis |745|November 4, 2011
Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor

Deleting Online Jihad on Twitter: The Case of British Jihadi Anjem Choudary – Tweeting for the Caliphate and the Conquest of the White House

*By Steven Stalinsky



As part of their online media strategy, jihadi groups have in recent years begun using Western websites and technologies – uploading videos to YouTube[1] and to the Internet Archive,[2] creating official Facebook pages,[3] and tweeting news flashes from the jihadi fronts. Jihadis have come to depend on free web hosting, where content can be uploaded anonymously, reliably, and at no cost.[4]

Headquartered in San Francisco, California and with servers in San Antonio, Texas, Boston, Massachusetts, and New York, Twitter – the online social networking and microblogging service – is increasingly being used by terrorist organizations and their media outlets, and their online followers are growing in number. Twitter's Terms of Service include some "restrictions on content" but do not mention terrorist groups.[5]

One of the many jihadi groups now utilizing Twitter is Al-Qaeda and its followers. After the deaths of Anwar Al-Awlaki and Samir Khan were confirmed by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's (AQAP), online jihadi activists reacted by calling for flooding American websites and social networking sites including Twitter with their speeches, writings, and videos.

A member of the Shumoukh Al-Islam forum declared in English: "Together for Islamizing [the] U.S.A. I want to see the American forums, websites, YouTube channels, and Twitter full of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki's lectures and videos. It will be a curse chasing the Americans and their dogs." He added in Arabic: "To the lions of uploading and [online] distribution, to the students of Anwar Al-Awlaki... 'I entrust you with supporting your brothers, the mujahideen, with this knowledge… we shall spread their actions and the truth… You are the hope of the ummah, you are the hope of jihad… Let it be a vengeance raid for our sheikh, Al-Awlaki. We want a raid of every American forum, every Facebook page, every Twitter account…"[6]

MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor research includes following the multiple ways in which jihadi groups are using Twitter. Among them are sharing videos, operational activities, and more. One example of such use, dated November 1, 2011, is the "retweet" by Twitter user @sssq61 of an item from a jihadi site which called for readers to contribute and to make efforts to bring about a kidnapping of a U.S. soldier.

The item followed a recent $1 million offer by a member of the Saudi royal family and by influential Saudi cleric Awadh Al-Qarni for kidnapping Israeli soldiers. It should be noted that Al-Qarni tweets prolifically, at!/Dr_alqarnee, and has over 257,000 followers. He is only one of many Islamists and jihadis who have begun using Twitter to spread their ideology.[7] Some of the more notable groups and figures now actively Tweeting include The Taliban – Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan,[8] Abdulqahar Balkhui,[9] Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi,[10] the Muslim Brotherhood,[11] Ikhwan Syria,[12] Hamas,[13]the Al Qassam Brigade in Palestine,[14] Jihad al-Ansar Media,[15] Nukhbat Al-I'lam Al-Jihadi,[16] Ribat Media Center,[17] and others.

British Jihadi Anjem Choudary Tweets

On March 19, 2011, British jihadi Anjem Choudary, spokesman for the banned Islam4UK organization, co-founder of Al-Muhajiroun, and spiritual advisor to the UK Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades (MAC),[18] launched a Twitter account and began tweeting. MAC made headlines last week for threatening a British MP who subsequently called on their activities to be closely monitored by law enforcement.[19]

According to his Twitter account, Choudary is "a Muslim who believes that Islam is something we must believe in (Tawheed), live by (Shari'ah) and struggle and sacrifice for (by way of Daw'ah and Jihad)."[20]

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In addition to tweeting his views to his followers, Choudary uses Twitter for disseminating and linking to his videos on YouTube, for announcing collaboration with other jihadi groups, and for calling on his followers in the U.K. and U.S. to launch protests.

Choudary's tweets include calls for a return to the Caliphate; for shari'a law to replace the U.S. Constitution; for Islam to conquer the White House and U.K.; for Islam to take over the world; for Libyans to declare jihad and annex other countries; and for Allah to destroy the enemies of Islam, as well as praise for Anwar Al-Awlaki and Osama bin Laden and much more.

In one notable tweet, dated today, Choudary warns those who "support" Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical political weekly – which this week published an attack on radical Islam, with Islam's Prophet Muhammad as "guest editor" and as a result had its offices firebombed and its website cyber-attacked – to "take lessons from Theo Van Gogh," the Dutch film director assassinated by jihadi Mohammed Bouyeri in November 2004 for his film Submission which criticized the treatment of women in Islam.

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Those who want to support the publication of "Charlie Hebdo" who insulted the Messenger Muhammad (saw) must take lessons from Theo Van Gogh! 16 hours ago

Tweets Hinting At Assassinating President Obama[21]

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

If being suspected of directing a criminal network is enough to target someone for killing without charge, what about President Barak Obama? October 3, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

I think Cameron & Obama are dictators, so what's the solution? How would you like it if we started boming Washington & London to remove them? October 20, 2011

Tweets On 9/11

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

What is the legacy of 9/11? Were the 3000 innocent? Were the 19 maytyrs? What are the positive outcomes of 9/11? Find out at the US embassy! September 11, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

10 years after 9/11 the USA/UK economies collapse & their soldiers increasingly return in body bags so we can safely say 'YOU LOST THE WAR'! August 8, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The Jews use the Holocaust to occupy land & murder Muslims & the Christians use 911 to occupy & murder. What about all the 911s we face daily? September 12, 2011

Tweets On the Killing of Osama bin Laden and Anwar Al-Awlaki

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Muslims believe that the life span is in the hands of Allah. May Allah accept the father & son as martyrs & grant them paradise insha'allah! October 19, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The cold blooded murder of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki's son by Obama's henchmen is enough evidence for anyone of the morally bankrupt US/UK war! October 19, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The US target the likes of Usama Bin Laden & Anwar Awlaki because they tried to rid the world of secular/kufr law & bring back the Khilafah! October 6, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Who has murdered more people & been involved in the torture & abuse of innocent men, women & children Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki or Barak Obama? October 3, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki was engaged in the Jihad of the word which was more powerful in the hearts of the enemies then the missiles and bombs October 3, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The murder of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki will inspire Muslims who didn't know who he was to listen to his lectures. He will be even more popular October 3, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

See for my press release on the death of Sheikh Usama bin laden. May Allah accept him as Shaheed (martyrdom for Allah). May 2, 2011

Tweets About the West and the Future of the U.S.

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

History will record that the last decade saw the destruction of the American Empire just like the Russian empire swallowed up in Afghanistan. September 12, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The best man who walked the Earth Muhammad died & Islam never halted, rather Allah will ensure 1 day Islam conquers the White House & the UK. October 3, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The American people should take a lesson from all the hurricanes & floods sent to them by Allah because of their crimes done against Muslims. April 28, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The US constitution & its laws are not even worthy for the US President to abide by & to respect has some solutions! October 3, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

10yrs on & the US has lost the war against Islam and Muslims ideologically, militarily, economically, strategically & in the hearts & minds! September 10, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said that the day of judgement will not come until a group of my Ummah (the Muslims) rise and they conquer Rome. August 22, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Islam was implemented as a law & order from 622 AD until 1924 AD under the Khilafah system of governance which is coming to the UK soon i'a. August 6, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The alternative to capitalism isn't nonsensical ideas like communism, socialsim or anarchy but rather tried, tested & successful shariah law, October 18, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Greece should adopt the Shari'ah: use the Golden Dinar & eradicate inflation. Ban gambling/porn/shares/alcohol/usury & invest in jobs/needs! June 27, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Did you know that Shari'ah was implemented historically in Spain, parts of Austria & Switzerland, Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus & in parts of France. May 18, 2011

Tweets On the Future of the Middle East

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Once Egypt adopts the Shari'ah, the total liberation of Palestine & the return of all Jews to where they came will be the next step forward! October 10, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an [9:33] that Muslims must target the domination of the world by Islam however much others (Kuffar) may hate it. October 6, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The liberation of Muslim land from US/UK, the removal of non-Islamic regimes & their replacement with 1 Khilafah must be every Muslim's goal. October 6, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

After 87 yrs of no Khilafah or Islamic State the resumption of the Islamic ruling system is the main agenda of all serious Islamic movements, October 24, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The Libyans need to appoint a Khalifah (head of the Muslims worldwide) who will implement the Shari'ah & launch Jihad to annex others states. October 22, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

It would also mean telling the UN, World Bank, IMF, OIC etc... to go to hell & to start annexing all Muslim land & eventually the world! October 24, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The rise of Muslims in Syria will be the end of Israel after their friend Asad goes: Allah has destined Israel to be surrounded by uprisings. April 1, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The only solution for the malaise in Cairo now is for the Shariah to be implemented under which the rights of all citizens will be protected. October 10, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

ISLAM does not mean peace rather it means SUBMISSION to the commands of Allah & this includes the concept of the Khilafah, Jihad & Shari'ah! June 23, 2011

Tweets About His Speeches, Collaboration With Other Islamists, and Calls For Protests

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

I will be leading funeral prayers for Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki today at 8 Belgrave Sq London SW1X 8PH @ 4pm May Allah (SWT) accept him shaheed. October 1, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, Sheikh Yassir Al-Sirri, Abu Izzadeen, Sayful Islam and I will be among many Muslims addressing the masses today! October 1, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

PROTESTS defending the honour of Muslims: 1. Luton, Bury Park 1:30pm Fri. to Police St 2. London, Edgware Rd 2pm Sat. to The Syrian Embassy. September 29, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Speakers include Abu Izzadeen, Sayful Islam & me. Organised by Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) We must stop the police terrorizing of muslims. September 29, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Do not forget TWO London protests today outside 1. French embassy @ 1pm praying publically & 2. Israeli embassy @ 2:30pm calling for JIHAD! September 23, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

PROTEST outside French Embassy London Fri 23rd Sept @ 1:30 Muslims will pray openly, women will wear the Niqab & tell Sarkozy to go to hell! September 20, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

The Demonstration outside the US embassy on 911 was the answer to the war mongers Obama & Cameron who want to use 911 to murder more Muslims. September 12, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Speakers to include Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, Abu Izzadeen, Sayful Islam & Anjem Choudary and others highlighting the real victims of 9/11. September 11, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

DEMONSTRATION today outside US Embassy, London will begin at 1:46pm when the 1st plane hit the Twin Towers & will expose US & UK oppression! September 11, 2011

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Anjem Choudary

Speakers at the 911 Demo on Sunday @ the US Embassy London include Sh. Omar Bakri Muhammad LIVE from Lebanon, Abu Izzadeen & Anjem Choudary. September 10, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

At 911 Demo on Sun. discover if the 19 were martyrs, if 3000 were innocent, if more 911s are likely & the legacy of 911 for Muslims & Kuffar. September 10, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary has questions that must & will be answered on the 10th anniversary of 911 at the demo outside the US embassy Insha'allah. September 9, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

ISLAMIC ROADSHOW in East London tomorrow inviting the British to embrace Islam as a belief & way of life & explaining how JESUS IS A MUSLIM! August 19, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Prisoners include relatives of Sheikh Osama Bin Laden, Saif al-Adel, Shaouqi Al-Islamboli, Abu Al-Ghaith, Mustafa Hamid & a woman in her 60s. August 19, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

DEMONSTRATION TODAY outside the IRANIAN EMBASSY 3 to 5pm 16 Princes gate London SW7 to demand the release of Muslims/families taken hostage! August 19, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

CONFERENCE "JIHAD FOR SYRIA" @ Regents Park Mosque NW8 7RG TODAY 12th Aug. 5:30 - 8pm with addresses by Sheikh Omar Bakri, Abu Izzadeen & me. August 12, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

SHARI'AH / ISLAMIC EMIRATE MARCH today from Leyton Station @ 12 noon to Walthamstow Central. See for details! July 30, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

DEMO. TODAY @ 1pm-3:30pm @ the Saudi Embassy 30 Charles St. London W1J5DZ "Al-Saud - The Custodian of the Tyrants" bring your own prayer mat. June 17, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

There will be a Protest against Barak Obama when he arrives in the UK on the 24th May 2011 by shariah4america with muslims against crusades! May 11, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

DEMO cancelled by Muslims against crusades to warn Muslims to avoid London buses trains tubes main buildings & high risk of a terror attack! April 27, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Demonstration from Regents Park Mosque to the American Embassy starting @ 1:00pm this Friday 25th March 2011 against the the attack on Libya. March 22, 2011

Tweets With Links to His YouTube Clips to Inform Followers About His Sermons and Speeches

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Check out my address on the legacy of 9/11 on its 10th year anniversary & how the US/UK lost the war. September 4, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

International Islamic Conference 'ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD' today FRI. 26TH AUGUST see for details! [This video has been removed by the user] August 16, 2011

anjem 2.jpg Anjem Choudary

Check out the Special Address by me on the anniversary of the events of 7/7, available to watch NOW on: July 7, 2011

*Steven Stalinsky is the Executive Director of The Middle East Media Research Institute.

[1] MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis, Steven Stalinsky, "Part I – Deleting Online Jihad and the Case of Anwar Al-Awlaki: Nearly Three Million Viewings of Al-Awlaki's YouTube Videos – Included Would-Be Christmas Airplane Bomber, Fort Hood Shooter, 7/7 London Bomber, and Would-Be Fort Dix Bombers," December 30, 2011.

[2] MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 724, Steven Stalinsky, "Al-Qaeda, Jihadis Infest the San Francisco, California-Based 'Internet Archive' Library," August 17, 2011.

[3] MEMRI JTTM, "Jihadi Media Company Announces New Website," July 25, 2011,

[4] MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 746, Steven Stalinsky, "Why Haven't the Taliban's Twitter Accounts Been Shut Down?" October 7, 2011.

[5] According to Twitter's Terms of Service, account holders may use Twitter only if "you [the user] can form a binding contract with Twitter and are not a person barred from receiving services under the laws of the United States or other applicable jurisdiction."[5] Its "Restrictions on Content" state, "We reserve the right at all times (but will not have an obligation) to remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Services and to terminate users or reclaim usernames... We also reserve the right to... enforce the Terms, including investigation of potential violations hereof." Twitter also provides readers with the option to report violations. Terrorist groups are not specifically mentioned in the Terms of Service; the focus instead is on trademark violations, breaches of privacy, child pornography, copyright issues, harassment and violent threats, impersonation, and "name squatting.";

[6] MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 4197, "English-Language Jihadi Forum Publishes Eulogy for Anwar Al-Awlaki, Samir Khan; Online Jihadi Calls for 'Vengeance Raid' on American Websites," October 11, 2011.

[7] MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 746, Steven Stalinsky, "Why Haven't the Taliban's Twitter Accounts Been Shut Down?" October 7, 2011.

[18] For more on Muslims Against Crusades, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 4176, "U.K. Islamist Group 'Muslims Against Crusades' Asks, 'Is Assassination Of Obama Legal?'" October 4, 2011,; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 4174, "'Muslims Against Crusades' Hold Memorial Prayers for Anwar Al-Awlaki in London - Led by Anjem Choudhary," October 02, 2011,, and more at

[19] British MP Mike Freer called for the Home Office to continue to "monitor this group" and said that if necessary the "full force of the law should come down on them," following an October 28, 2011, incident in which the group urged supporters on Facebook and on its website to threaten him during a constituency meeting at North Finchley Mosque in London. Freer was targeted for the role he had played in the campaign against Israeli Islamist movement leader Sheikh Raed Salah's visit to the UK earlier this year. The message on the Muslims Against Crusades website referred to last year's stabbing of Labour MP Stephen Timms as he was holding a similar meeting, and warned that that this attack should serve as a "piercing reminder" to politicians that "their presence is no longer welcome in any Muslim area." The Press Association, UK, October 31, 2011

[21] The tweets are presented verbatim.