By SIMON WALTERS and GLEN OWEN Last updated at 4:16 PM on 13th November 2011 The Cabinet's master of political black arts, Chris Huhne, has left a trail of victims in his wake. They include his own party leader Nick Clegg, Home Secretary Theresa May and, allegedly, his ex-wife Vicky Pryce. Now it is clear why he is so expert at hatching such cunning plans – he has been doing it for nearly 40 years. Protest: Chris Huhne, circled, at the demo in Oxford in 1973 In 1973, as a long-haired 19-year-old student of Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Magdalen College, Oxford, he gave a witty masterclass for would-be political Machiavellis on how to 'stab' their rivals in the back. An article he penned for a university freshers' guide reeks of the cynicism for which Energy Secretary Mr Huhne, 57, has become renowned in Westminster. His guide for budding politicians said:'Stab' your foes when you get the chance. 'The first weeks of Michaelmas are habitually punctuated by the puzzled cries of political freshmen wondering just which party or group they ought to join,' writes Mr Huhne, who was then political editor of the Oxford University magazine Isis. 'The answer is simple lads: the one you'll get on best in.' Warming to his theme, the thick-skinned Mr Huhne adds: 'Oxford politics is superbly opportunist and extremely dirty. If you don't mind having mud smothered over you by opponents... go into politics. If you're a nice guy who likes his mamma and home comforts, you should stick to more domestic affairs.' He adds that he is 'speaking as one who has been knifed, stabbed or what you will on too many occasions to enumerate'. He is none too flattering about political student leaders at Oxford, saying 'the vast majority are and will remain mediocre nonentities. Remember it's a game: Play politics for students who haven't much else to do'. Respectable now: Chris Huhne arrives at the Houses of Parliament last month Serious political wannabes should join the 'hacks world of Parliamentary fantasy', the Oxford Union debating society, says Mr Huhne. 'Here you can marshal your voters, count your chances, predict results, watch fallen stars, and stab if anyone presents an exposed back. The imagination takes over; the President is an absolute monarchy, the Librarian a Crown Prince, the Treasurer a Lord High Chamberlain. All prance and frolic like the toadies they are.' Mr Huhne upset Mr Clegg during the Lib Dem leadership contest when he was caught out dubbing him 'Calamity Clegg'. More recently he was accused of trying to smear Mrs May. He tipped off a journalist that her controversial claim that an immigrant defied a deportation order by arguing he had a right to stay with his pet cat was copied from UKIP leader Nigel Farage. He also faces the risk of being prosecuted over claims that he got his ex-wife to take speeding points on his behalf. Mr Huhne's Oxford days were marked by radicalism. Also in 1973, he brandished a park bench as part of a mob that smashed its way into a historic university building in a protest over funding. One of the students who participated said later: 'The ringleaders were all members of the International Marxist Group. Chris wasn't actually a member as I recall, but he was close enough to them to be trusted and be involved in the action. He was very Left-wing at the time.' Mr Huhne's Left leanings and wild antics – he was also a member of the infamous 'Saraceno Set' drinking society – were at odds with his privileged education at elite Westminster School and the Sorbonne.Knife your foes, don't be a nice guy... join any party to get on:
The ruthless political philosophy of Chris Huhne, aged 19 and three quarters
Monday, 14 November 2011
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Britannia Radio