The Lebanese Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah has briefed his unit commanders on updated operational plans for firing 10,000 rockets at Tel Aviv and Israel's air force and reserve mobilization bases in a surprise attack, DEBKAfile's military sources report. "The Zionist enemy cannot stand up to a salvo on that scale," he said and assured them that Hizballah is capable of fighting Israel without Iranian or Syrian help. To boost morale, Nasrallah disclosed the arrival of advanced weapons from Libya and unveiled plans to capture parts of Galilee.
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Israelis are all of a sudden plunged into hot debate on the pros and cons of an IDF attack on Iran's nuclear sites. It was triggered by a report that the attack would go forward before winter. A senior cabinet minister then admitted he had sleepless nights over the 100,000 Syrian, Hizballah and Hamas rockets awaiting Israel when the attack begins.
So what is really going on? And what game plan?
Find some answers in the next DEBKA-Net-Weekly out Friday.
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