Monday, 14 November 2011

Obama Power Grab For Entire World Stuns Russia, China |

New reports emerging in the Kremlin today from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC) in Hawaii are stating that both Russian and Chinese diplomats were “stunned” upon learning that the United States Nobel Peace Prize winning leader, President Barack Obama, has ordered US Military forces into both Nigeria and Australia in what they describe as his plan to take over the entire world for his crony-capitalist backers.
Interesting to note in his opening speech the following.


Opening Remarks by President Obama at APEC Session One

J.W. Marriott Resort Hotel
Honolulu, Hawaii

9:58 A.M. HAST

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning, everybody. It is my great pleasure to welcome all of you, officially, to the APEC Leaders Meeting. This is the first time in nearly 20 years that the United States has hosted this forum, and it comes at a time when America is very focused on how we can work together in a cooperative, effective way in the Trans-Pacific region.

And obviously I'm particularly pleased that we’re meeting in my home state of Hawaii, which reflects the deep connections between the peoples of our region.


Now then he would have said the state of his birth surely, rather than my "home state", if he had in fact been born in Hawaii? But he carefully chose his words because, quite simply, he wasn't born there or anywhere else in the United States. He was born a muslim, as we all now know, in Kenya and was therefore illegible to be President of the USA. But it seems the powers that be in the US couldn't give a toss for their country or its Constitution any longer.
I cannot understand how they seems to think that Obama and his Democrat (?) cronies have put this very serious question to bed because, quite frankly, he hasn't.

Subject: Obama Power Grab For Entire World Stuns Russia, China |