Thursday, 10 November 2011

A PLAN OF ACTION! - from Guy Leven-Torres - Thu 10th Nov/11
A concise initial list of 14 points that urgently need tackling, neatly presented by Guy Leven-Torres.
I hasten to say I completely agree - with all the points mentioned!
The only fly in the ointment that can see, is that the population are still asleep on all these matters and only the "clued-up" 400 souls like us, worrying our socks off - we would all be arrested on the spot. A snag, that. Millions they might listen to - 400 they would just "scratch the itch" and continue as before.
This is, of course, incitement to revolution...which is our complete right, per Magna Carta and The Bill of Rights - but I doubt they would see it that way. Revolution is not listed in the Grand Plan of the New World Order, but if it is, it will be "crushed" and plans have already been made long ago (as we all know!) to cope with such an event.
America has FEMA camps ready, with the special trains for transporting "dissidents" - not sure where ours are.......! (Google FEMA)
Stan. (I did Latin, but not to this level!)

The Final Decree- 'The State requires the named Magistrates, within this Decree, to see that the state takes no harm- Do your duty!'
Europe is on the brink of ruin. The Euro is in deep trouble and the 'contagion' is spreading. Italy and Spain are now in talks with the EU negotiating bailouts that will cost the UK billions and one is fairly sure that this will not be the last of such money 'chucking operations' as is already happening in Greece. The format is simple enough,
1) Print money to bail out.
  1. Pay into national fiscus with demands for collateral in the form of national assets and reduced salaries and public services.
  2. If not successful repeat, steps 1 and 2.
  3. If the above at 3 fails, replace elected national government with 'technocratic coalition' loyal to Brussels and Berlin.
  4. If not successful repeat steps 1 and 2.
Greece, Eire, Italy and Spain have become satrapies. (Provincial governor, or suborninate ruler). This is empire formation- an imperium. Rumours are that the UK's own financial ratings are none too good either and we could also be in line for 'satrapisation'. The German economy is booming and Merkel talks about a two, even three tiered Europa, with the UK aligned with the failed states above.

The country cannot and must not allow this to happen. We the people must now act on our own behalf. There is no point in sending email to one another but direct action on the streets outside Parliament. We need to be there in our millions (Agreed - and I believe there may be as many as 400 patriots who would attend - Stan) and make it known to the current incumbents, who ignore our wishes, that the whole affair is over.
Our demands are as follows-
  1. We want immediate and unconditional withdrawal from the EU.
  2. Withdrawal of British troops for home duty, from all overseas theatres of war.
  3. Declaration of a National State of Emergency.
  4. The suspension of Parliament under 1689 Act of Settlement, as having made itself illegal by refusing to obey the will of the British people and under the rule of foreign powers.
  5. The arrest and detention of all members of HM Government and Opposition for Treason and crimes against humanity.
  6. An immediate oath of loyalty to the People, in the name of the Monarch, by all forces- civil and military within the UK.
  7. Suspension of all local and regional authorities.
  8. Establishment of County Boards of Control to oversee public services and ensure the continuity of same.
  9. Immediate halt to immigration.
  10. Suspension of all EU laws within the UK.
  11. Suspension of Human Rights Act.
  12. Arrest and detention of persons and groups seen to be responsible for our current crisis- as in Common Purpose- Itself to be immediately declared illegal.
  13. Arrest and detention of criminal elements like those that rioted in August but also Islamic extremist elements.
  14. Appointment of new Westminster Transitional UK Government to oversee transfer of Sovereign power in an orderly and fair manner........

That's a start! Anybody else have any ideas?