Monday, 14 November 2011

Turkey is the "alternative" to the European Union project

Here is a landmark editorial from Yigit Bulut, the rather popular and

famous columnist from Turkey's HaberTurk. He has written countless

editorials on foreign policy with strong emphasis on the necessity for

Turkey to fulfil its imperial destiny.hmet

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We must understand that Turkey is the "alternative" to the European

Union project

Yigit Bulut

14 November 2011 Monday

A new book titled "The New World Order" just came out. At the back of it there is an important notice: "... Orwell was right. There will be three major powers in the future and it will not be possible to speak of peace as these powers continuously shift their positions between cooperation and and competition. Parag Khanna, too, says that the world will be consolidated into three major powers, the USA, the EU and China..."

Dear friends,

Orwell and Khanna were right but they overlooked a detail; the European Union will not be establish itself as a power centre in the new world order.

It will miss the opportunity and Turkey will seize it as an "East-West" or "Turco-Islamic" synthesis or whatever you may wish to call it.

Yes, you read correctly, behind every development in the last five years, is the fact that Turkey has seized the opportunity and is on its way to establish itself as a major power in the new world order. At this point we should ask if Turkey is aware of that as a nation and state on the whole.

That is the main problem; while the political leadership has adapted to these circumstances by reducing the accession policy to a cipher and attempting to make inroads into the EU "while staying on the path to membership", it isn't yet easy to break the news to the public at large that we are going to part our ways with Europe altogether.

It is abundantly clear why that cannot be acknowledged openly at home; certain circles are agitating with claims that "we've lost our anchor in Europe and are floating to the east." Some of these circles are willing accessories to Europe, others are completely clueless about what is at stake.

Dear friends, since the crisis of 2001 [Turkey's own banking crisis] I have been defending the view that Europe will break up, collapse and the whole project will end in disunity. My past editorials can be found in the archives. Today it isn't too difficult to see that I was right. Now, we must take another step forward and observe that Turkey should assume the decadent Continent's global role.

My proposal is clear; the three axis in the new world order will be as follows:

2- Turkey and a set of ex-EU countries,
3- China-India-Iran...

The most important question is Russia's choice.

Will it agree to try an Orthodox enterprise including Turkey and the Turkic republics or will it join forces with China?

In case Europe breaks up, it is worth looking at an Orthodox axis comprising Turkey, Greece and Russia!

My conclusion: Starting with the highest echelons of the state, Turkey must accept and internalise this truth: the Turkish state cannot join the European Union!

Turkey, with its history, geography, ethnic and social structures, religious values and its place in the new world order, is the alternative to Europe or a competitor of it!

Turkey is a top candidate for a place in three-axis new world order and must do what is required of it without wasting its potential (or allowing its potential to be wasted by others) in EUROPE's finished union!

Last words: Turkey should sever ties with Europe entirely, including the accession process, and announce clearly to all the world public opinion that it isn't going to be part of "Europe's sad destiny!" Breaking up with Europe will not hurt Turkey, on the contrary, it will make Turkey look good to show that it isn't part of a collapsing union.

The next steps are to prepare the public opinion for Turkey's plan to replace the EU as a major power and then to pursue a state policy to see that through. A once-in-a-millenium opportunity will present itself in the coming days so let's not throw it away!

Kozinoglu departed!

Without getting embroiled in conspiracy theories about his premature death shortly before giving evidence in the dock,

I give my condolences to his family and make a note.

Although Kozinoglu has passed away, with his secrets, he is survived by Coskun Ulusoy.

who know maybe Ulusoy may wish to speak up!