British government ministers have been told to expect Israeli military action in the wake of the UN watchdog report "as early as Christmas or very early in the new year," the London Daily Mail reported Thursday, Nov. 10. They were told Israel would strike Iran's nuclear sites "sooner rather than later" – with "logistical support" from the US. A major US concern is said to be that a nuclear-armed Iran would spur the Saudi Arabia and Turkey into developing their own weapons. Germany has put its Air Force Tornado warplanes in intensive training for a possible attack on targets in Iran, after taking part last week in a joint drill with the Israeli Air Force and other NATO members at the Italian Decimomannu air base on Sardinia. Iran, for its part, is gearing up for a gloves-off reprisal against its attackers.DEBKA-Net-Weekly's coming issue out Friday has exclusive details on this menacing military buildup. For the second time in four days, Iran has threatened to annihilate Israel. Sunday, Nov. 6, Tehran said four missiles would be enough to kill a million Israelis. Wednesday, Nov. 9, Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, deputy commander of Iran's armed forces, said an American or Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would not only result in the Jewish state's extinction - "Dimona is the most accessible target" - but generate a response that "would not be limited to the Middle East." DEBKAfile's sources report signs of exrreme edginess in Tehran.
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DEBKAfile Special Report
Thursday, 10 November 2011
DEBKAfile Special Report November 10, 2011, 9:04 AM (GMT+02:00)
F-15 at Decimomannu air base, Sardinia
German Air Force in training for Iran strike
November 8, 2011, 7:20 PM (GMT+02:00)
German Air Force Tornado
Second Iranian threat to destroy Israel names its Dimona reactor
November 9, 2011, 5:05 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iranian General Masoud Jazayeri
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Britannia Radio