Saturday, 12 November 2011

A Very European Coup Part II

The only attempt at a solution to Europe’s doom seems to be the EU forcing out democratically elected leaders and replacing them with trusted stooges who are loyal to the project. In Greece the incoming Prime Minister Lucas Papandemos was Vice President of the European Central Bank from 2002-10. Mario Monti, who is favourite to take over in Italy, was a European Commissioner in the nineties. Not a referendum or election in sight…

Luckily for the UK our cost of borrowing has dropped to a record low. Ten-year gilt yields fell to 2.106% yesterday. If however the UK was in the €urozone and things took a turn for the worse about now the European establishment elite would be forcing Peter Mandelson on us as PM. Or Clegg…

Tom Bradby on hacking

“The idea that this activity was the preserve of one newspaper or media empire is absolutely laughable. Nobody who knows anything about Fleet Street believes this.”

Safe Haven Britain? – Fraser Nelson
Phone Hacking: The Movie – Tom Bradby
Safe Britain – Fraser Nelson
EU BSLoanBuster
Sniper in ParliamentESP
France is Next – Jonah
Germany’s Long MemoryTelegraph
Day 512 – Quentin Letts
Guardian Acknowledges Anti-Semitism – Tom Gross
Off Duty Copper Passes Out at OccupyStandard
LibDems Determined on Drugs – Kirsty Walker
The Opera Squad – Fraser Nelson
Brodie Clark: Never Far From TroubleTotal Politics
Clegg Tells Europe to Forget Robin Hood Tax - Standard
This Should Kill Keynesian Thinking - Le Figaro
The Free Market Secret of the Arab Spring - FT