Thursday, 10 November 2011

Who is being undemocratic?

Ted Belman

The government is proposing legislation that applies to “political NGO’s”. The bill’s explanatory notes state explicitly that it is intended to deal with “organizations acting in the guise of human rights organizations that seek to influence the political discourse, character and policies of the State of Israel.”

The Bill would ban “political” non-governmental organizations from receiving donations of over NIS 20,000 from foreign governments or international organizations.

Haaretz argues,

    Since they do not have any legal justification for shutting down these human rights organizations, Netanyahu and his colleagues are trying to achieve this goal via the parliamentary majority they command. As opposed to donations from unsupervised private sources, which also flow to right-wing organizations, human rights organizations receive aid from legitimate bodies like the United Nations and the European Union, which scrupulously...

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Fiamma Nirenstein travels from Left to Right

The flame of Fiamma

Before she undertook the role of Israel’s defender in Italy, Fiamma Nirenstein was raised as a leftist in a Jewish family • Today, as vice president of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, she is convinced: “The Palestinians want their own state in order to destroy the Jewish state” • An interview brimming with ideology and vision.

Once a communist, Fiamma Nirenstein changed her political stripes after the Six-Day War. “My main concern is for the Jews.”

Photo credit: Andre Nastally

On my way to the residence of Fiamma Nirenstein in Rome, I passed protest signs linking the mayor of Rome to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Nirenstein, a Jewish intellectual and media personality, was elected three years ago to the Italian parliament as a member of the “People of Freedom” party headed by Berlusconi. She serves as vice president of the Italian...

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The Myth of Israel’s Rightward Turn

By Evelyn Gordon, Commentary

Tonight, as Israel’s memorial day for slain Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin begins, is a good time to debunk a myth that has recently gained great currency: that Israel’s population has become increasingly right-wing, constituting a major obstacle to peace. This myth was most famously propounded by former President Bill Clinton (here and here ), but it also crops up frequently in academic discourse. A study published by the the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies in September, for instance, declared that “Today Israel’s Jewish population is more nationalistic, religiously conservative, and hawkish on foreign policy and security affairs than that of even a generation ago, and it would be unrecognizable to Israel’s founders.”

Yet Rabin himself, the idol of those who propagate this myth, provides the best possible refutation of it. All you have to do is read his final speech to the Knesset, given one month before his...

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A real reason for revolution

Martin Sherman ranks up there with Caroline Glick. His articles are very insightful. Here he points out how the will of the majority in Israel is at the mercy of the left-wimg media who manipulate the news and the left-wing Supreme Court who substitutes its opinion and agenda for that of the Knesset representing the people. He thus calls for a revolution in which we throw the these unelected bums out and restore Israel to the people. Ted Belman


A real reason for revolution
Judging from last weekend’s less than impressive turnout for the nationwide social-justice protests, it seems that much of wind has been sucked out of the sails that billowed so impressively in the summer winds. Of course this is not entirely unexpected. After all, only the hopelessly gullible could have believed that what took place on the streets in August was a genuine reflection of socioeconomic distress across a wide cross-section of Israeli society.

For it was never an authentic...

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Is the US (gov’t) a friend or enemy of Israel?

This article has gotten a lot of attention. It has been posted on AT, CFP, INN and many others. The title is misleading. The question really should be, is it a net asset or liability to Israel just as the question is put, is Israel a net asset or liability to US. In both cases the answer is a net asset. Ted Belman

By Ted Belman

This question always elicits different opinions. Obviously, in part, the answers depend on one’s definition of “friend” or of “enemy.”

The most famous articulation of U.S. policy vis-à-vis Israel was made by Henry Kissinger in 1975 when talking to an Iraqi diplomat. To wit:

    “We don’t need Israel for influence in the Arab world. On the contrary, Israel does us more harm than good in the Arab world

    “… We can’t negotiate about the existence of Israel but we can reduce its size to historical proportions”

Before the ’67 War, U.S. policy was mostly hostile in that the U.S....

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OWS Rushing USA to Point of No Return

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, CFP

We are sitting in the eye of a hurricane. The media jackals, like a tornado, are destroying everything and everyone in their path who is a conservative and not a subscriber to European socialism and one world government.

Alphabet soup pundits dedicate hundreds of stories and airtime to Occupy Wall Street unemployable collegiate malcontents, filthy vagrants, druggies, and communist agitators who are getting more and more violent.

Occupiers with trust funds claim to be the 99 percent of the people who want the spoils of the one percent, the rich. They complain that the homeless are stealing their electronic gadgets and food. Apparently, “stealing is a problem when it happens to you, ‘social justice’ when it happens to someone else.” Lazy agitators abhor capitalism and banks, yet are hypocritically eager to deposit donated funds in the bank.

Goethe said, “Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action.” And there is plenty of...

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PA must now play by UNESCO’s rules

by Dr. Shimon Samuels, THE JEWISH CHRONICLE

In the 1980s, UNESCO was a theatre for the Cold War. When the USA and the UK walked out in 1984, they cited mismanagement; the real motive was a series of Soviet-led resolutions against press freedom.

In 2009, the Arab bloc front-runner, Egypt’s Education Minister, Farouq Hosni — who threatened to burn any Hebrew book on Egyptian territory — lost in a bitter election to Bulgarian diplomat Irina Bokova.

At her inauguration, I congratulated Ms Bokova as the first UN leader from a country which saved its Jews in the Second World War. She has since championed Holocaust education and focused on the rights of women in the Muslim world.

These initiatives were overshadowed last year when she became enmeshed in a campaign led by the Arab/Muslim bloc to appropriate Jewish heritage sites in the Holy Land. The World Heritage Committee — a UNESCO affiliate — characterised Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of Machpela as mosques.

As a...

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Palestinian incitement is a crime

I attended a JCPA Conference on Incitement to Terror and Violence yesterday. It had an excellent roster of speakers. One important point made was that incitement always precedes genocide and usually war. Another point that was made was that the PA and Hamas are responsible for financing and enabling incitement. More on this later. So I was glad to read the article below which begins to ask the right question. Itamar Marcus, PMW, told me that he just discussed the whole subject with visiting congressmen who advised that they were interested in putting forward a bill that would prevent the PA from doping so. Ted Belman

by Jonathan Schanzer, Weekly Standard Online

In a move that should startle members of Congress, a Palestinian sovereign wealth fund that has long received American taxpayer support will soon begin building houses for convicted members of terrorist organizations.

The Palestine News and Information Agency WAFA...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel