Arabs illegally settling the Negev in land grab race
The red dots on the attached map indicate the areas of Bedouin settlement in the Negev.
JERUSALEM – There is an ownership race between Arabs and Jews in the land of Israel that is not limited to the territories of Judea and Samaria, and time is of the essence.
This was the focus of discussion at a recent meeting in a private home organized by Regavim, which defines itself as a “social movement established to promote a Jewish Zionist agenda for the state of Israel.”
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Progressive “Jewish” Democrats’ High Holidays Service: Final Schedule
Posted by Bill Levinson, the National “Jewish” “Democratic” Council, Ira Forman, David Harris, Eric Yoffie, Sarah Silverman, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz will celebrate the Progressive “Jewish” quadrennial High Holiday as follows in Charlotte, North Carolina.
4:00 PM – Opening Flag Burning Ceremony – sponsored by CNN
4:05 PM – Singing of “God Damn America ” led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright
4:10 PM – Pledge of Allegiance to Obama. (Read more…)
The Dhimmicrat Convention
Laura: The dhimmicrats who ordinarily claim to believe in the separation of religion and state have chosen to celebrate islam at their national convention. No such events for any other religion are going to take place.
These would be the same democrats who hysterically accuse Republicans of waging a war on women and hating gays. How do the democrats claim to be the party that represents the rights of gays and women while at the same time embrace into their fold the most misogynistic and homophobic ideology in the world? How do they justify holding these contradictory positions?
What “plight” do muslims face in America that they want to draw attention to? How about drawing attention to the plight of non-muslims under islamic rule?
Washington Times:
Dems draw in Muslims with ‘Jumah at the DNC’
Drop In Circumcisions Could Cost Billions
Much of the debate over routine infant circumcision has centered on the ethics of the procedure, in which a male’s foreskin is removed.
But a new study published Monday by health economists with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine shifts the focus toward money. It says that if circumcision rates were to decline to the 10 percent level currently seen in Western Europe, it could add up to $505 million annually in direct health care costs.
“This is the first study ever conducted in the U.S. that has looked at the economic costs ,” study author Dr. Aaron Tobian, a health epidemiologist and pathologist with Johns Hopkins, told The Huffington Post. “We believe that state Medicaid and private insurers should assess these data and recognize not only the medical benefits , but also the financial impact of denying coverage.”
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Liberman has revived Israel’s “periphery doctrine” of the 1950s
Simply put, Liberman has revived Israel’s “periphery doctrine” of the 1950s, adjusting it to modern strategic realities. It is his greatest contribution thus far as foreign minister to Israel’s well-being, and it warrants far more attention than it has garnered to date.
The periphery doctrine dates back to the bad old days of the 1950s, when Israel was encircled by hostile Arab nations. At the time, David Ben-Gurion developed a strategy based on diplomatic outreach to countries on the region’s periphery, such as Iran, Turkey and Ethiopia, in the hopes of cultivating their friendship and support as a counterbalance to our unfriendly neighbors.
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Europe united against Israel
Op-ed: Europe’s failure to run its own affairs doesn’t stop it from constantly interfering in Israel’s affairs
BERLIN – Just when the vision, or delusion, of Europe’s unity is facing a grave reality test, it’s amazing to see how one issue manages to unite the failing, disintegrating European bureaucracy: The grudge toward Israel.
Even the Euro crisis, which threatens to sink European unity into a new nationalist storm, cannot ease the inherent hostility of the European apparatus, located in Brussels, to the Jewish state. By now it looks like a sick obsession that blinds the patient’s eyes and prevents him from seeing his real problems.
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EU’s strategic mistake
Op-ed: Jewish communities in West Bank will continue to grow with or without the business, blessing of the EU
Thanks to the European Union, the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria has grown by 10% this week. Modi’in, Maccabim and Re’ut are three Jewish communities on the road between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. In 2003, the three neighbor communities merged to form a joint municipality, and were organized by Israel’s Ministry of Interior into a city, known as Modi’in. The new city’s population numbers over 80,000 residents.
Last week, the European Union issued a statement declaring this city a “West Bank settlement,” and as such, products manufactured there will be hit with a special tax, if imported and sold in the EU. This action falls under the European effort to discourage its citizens from supporting what they consider “illegitimate Jewish settlement activity” in the areas captured by Israel from Jordan in the Six Day War of 1967.
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America’s Useful Idiots
Many years ago, a phrase was coined by the leaders of the Soviet Union to describe those in the West who naively promoted the cause of Russian Communism when in reality they were held in contempt and were being cynically used by the Soviet hierarchy. The term “useful idiot” more than ever applies to a vast swath of citizens in the United States who have been cynically used by the hardcore left for a cause they are unwilling to understand.
Among the mysteries confronting those of us who have immigrated to the United States from countries that have experienced the devastating outcome of socialist/Marxist ideology is why seemingly successful and educated people could be so easily swayed to support those whose end-game is to transform the country into a socialist “utopia” and to control the day-to-day lives of all Americans. Among these “useful idiots” are a seeming majority of the Jewish population as well as many in business, and nearly all in entertainment and the media.
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“Jewish” Democrats’ High Holidays Services Begin on September 3
by Bill Levinson
We will say up front that the problem is not Jews who happen to be Democrats, but rather people who confuse the left wing of the Democratic Party with the Jewish religion. There are now apparently four denominations of Judaism in the United States: (1) Conservative, (2) Orthodox, (3) Reform, and (4) Progressive Democrat. This perception is strongly reinforced by the “Jewish” Council for Education and Research, aka; note the picture on their home page. Mik Moore, as I recall, was once with the National “Jewish” “Democratic” Council.
In any event, it has come to our attention that, the National “Jewish” “Democratic” Council (NJDC), and Eric Yoffie’s Union for “Reform Judaism” will be holding their quadrennial High Holiday services beginning on September 3 and running through September 6. (Read more…)
Lieberman seeks a real partner for peace
FM Lieberman recently wrote a letter to the foreign ministers of the Middle East Quartet members, calling on them to press for new elections in the PA. In it he contrasts much of what Israel is doing for peace and what Abbas is doing to thwart it. It is obvious that Israel really wants negotiations which of necessity means many painful concessions. He writes ‘the time has come to consider a creative solution, to think “outside the box,” in order to strengthen the Palestinian leadership.”. I wonder what he meant by that. He calls for “realistic” PA leadership. The purpose he writes is “in order to bring a serious change to the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians.”. Bottom line is that Israel wants negotiations but with a real partner for peace. Without such a change, negotiations, even if started, will go no where. Ted Belman
Haaretz reports Netanyahu distances himself from Lieberman’s call to oust Abbas
Baroness Ashton,
I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you July 24th in Brussels, on the occasion of the Israel-EU Association Council. We discussed many regional issues of importance; however, I would like to further share some key ideas with you, and hence, this letter.
I would like to update you regarding the current situation of Israel’s relationship with the Palestinian Authority (PA). As a preamble, I would like to emphasize that the purpose of this letter is to demonstrate Israel’s goodwill, desire to build trust and sincere desire to create a positive atmosphere vis a vis the PA, with the goal of bringing our neighbors back to the table of direct negotiations.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel