Audio: EXPOSED: Kidnappings & Death
8/29/2012 10:36:00 AMYou are not safe in Syria, whether you
Tamar interivews former Islamic terrorist Walid Shoebat, as he exposes the crimes of the 'Free Syrian Army Rebels' who have been shown to torture and violently murder its opponents.
Tamar Yonah is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. Her father survived the Nazi brutalities and after liberation, made his way to the shores of the British Palestine Mandate, where again fighting for his survival, fought in Israel's war of Independence. This made a great impression on her life and she too has been fighting for Israel by serving in the Israeli army & air force, and afterwards by becoming an activist for Israel and the Jewish nation. She has been a vocal beacon of light since beginning a prolific career in radio. She hosts The Tamar Yonah Show - Israel's most popular English language radio talk show. She also writes a biting and sometimes humorous, award winning blog that discusses current events, religion and politics. You can email Tamar at: