Thursday, 30 August 2012

Findings & Forecasts 08/29/2012

Tran­shu­manism: H+ or H– ?

Just when most people finally have some aware­ness of the word “Humanism,” that under­standing is now eclipsed with the advent of Tran­shu­manism, or H+.  Like its pre­de­cessor, Tran­shu­manism is all about man and what man can do or be, except that it now incor­po­rates a sophis­ti­cated cock­tail of sci­ence to make it happen.
To restate: Whereas Humanism relied on a meta­phys­ical fan­tasy to achieve its goals, Tran­shu­manism for­ti­fies its meta­phys­ical wish-list with sup­pos­edly objec­tive sci­ence. Never mind that much, if not most, of that objec­tive sci­ence hasn’t been invented yet. To a Tran­shuman, just the promise of future sci­ence is enough for them to count it as reality today.
Starting in the late 1990′s, a pur­poseful merging of four branches of sci­ence has pro­duced a new dis­ci­pline referred to as the “Con­ver­gence.” The four com­po­nents are Nan­otech­nology, Biotech­nology, Infor­ma­tion Tech­nology and Cog­ni­tive Sci­ence, and are often referred to as NBIC. For those not familiar with the field of Cog­ni­tive Sci­ence, it is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary study that includes psy­chology, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, phi­los­ophy, neu­ro­science, learning sci­ences, lin­guis­tics, anthro­pology, soci­ology and edu­ca­tion. (see Tha­gard, Paul, “Cog­ni­tive Sci­ence,”, 2008)
The merging of hard sci­ences with areas like psy­chology, phi­los­ophy, edu­ca­tion and soci­ology should make you sweat. This is the final fron­tier of Tech­noc­racy started in the 1930′s, which merged sci­ence with social engi­neering. Whereas Tech­noc­racy was con­cerned with society as a whole, Tran­shu­manism is con­cerned with the person himself.
Since I have been speaking and writing over the last 4 years about Tech­noc­racy and Tran­shu­manism, they have started to spill over into the public media, and not because I was shining light on them, either. Indeed, they are cap­turing the public’s fancy.
The ABC­News head­line two days ago, Human Immor­tality in 33 Years Claims Dmitry Itskov’s 2045 Ini­tia­tive was not a sur­prise to me, but I am sure it left many scratching their head. At 31,  Itskov is a Russian bil­lion­aire with a big vision and lots of cash to burn. It was not a jour­nal­istic fluke that ABC­News picked up his story: He is also a sen­sa­tion in Huff­in­gton Post, Wired Mag­a­zine, IBTimes, count­less radio shows and TV inter­views, etc.
“The for­ma­tion of such an intel­li­gence will not limit the indi­vid­u­ality or freedom of any single person — on the con­trary, it will max­i­mize cre­ative devel­op­ment and facil­i­tate the unlocking of bound­less poten­tial. All this will inevitably lead to the emer­gence of a new society — a society of immortal superpeople.
“Neo-humanity as an ide­ology, a socio-economic struc­ture, and a new form of civ­i­liza­tion will usher in a new era in people’s lives — the tran­si­tion to a cosmic super­civ­i­liza­tion of neo-humans.”
Neo-humanity? A new form of civ­i­liza­tion? Immortal superpeople?
Itskov has plenty of “inter-faith” reli­gious sup­port listed on his web­site as well: The Dalai Lama, Swami Vish­nude­vananda Giri Ji Mahara, Mahasiddha Pilot Baba and even Lazar Puhalo, Arch­bishop of Ottawa of the Orthodox Church in America.
The average response to stuff like this is dis­be­lief, and I say that from my own expe­ri­ence with many audi­ences. I encourage you to take it seri­ously how­ever, because the bil­lion­aires of the world (aka the Global Elite) are get­ting behind Tran­shu­manism and Tech­noc­racy with all the zeal they can muster. They are drag­ging in top sci­en­tists, top lab­o­ra­to­ries and top uni­ver­si­ties, throwing money at them like there is no tomorrow. They view them­selves as the new con­trollers of human and soci­etal evo­lu­tion — and worse, they have a plan for you! If you don’t like that plan, then now is the time to speak up.
If it isn’t clear to you why Tech­no­cratic and Tran­shu­mans reject Bib­lical Chris­tianity, it’s because the God of the Bible is in direct com­pe­ti­tion with their goals to recreate earth and the people in it, in their own image. Whereas the Bible speaks of the laws of sin and death as immutable truths, sci­ence now promises an escape into immor­tality, omni­science, omnipres­ence, etc. They are espe­cially hos­tile toward the thought of needing a Savior because they believe they are fully capable of saving them­selves and on their own terms.


There have been many studies over time that examine the rela­tion­ship between the stock market and the economy. Does the economy improve because of rising stock prices or do stock prices rise because of an improving economy? The cor­rect view makes a lot of dif­fer­ence in how you inter­pret today’s economy.
One such analysis was con­ducted on the Indian economy and market and con­cluded, “stock market devel­op­ment leads to eco­nomic growth” rather than the other way around. This rela­tion­ship is termed “supply-leading” versus “demand-following” which would sug­gest the opposite.
“The evi­dence obtained from the co-integration and causality test strongly sup­ports the supply-leading hypoth­esis, which sug­gests that the causal direc­tions run from the devel­op­ment of the finan­cial sector to the real sector (mea­sured by real GDP per capita)”
Con­ven­tional wisdom states just the oppo­site: Stocks rise as a result of eco­nomic development.
The fact of the matter is that the cur­rent uptick in eco­nomic activity, weak as it is, is the result of still-elevated stock prices. When stock prices turn down, eco­nomic activity will follow like the tail fol­lows the dog. If you view today’s market as con­cluding a counter-trend bounce that pre­cedes the next bear market leg down, as I do, then there is no reason to pre­dict some kind of mir­acle eco­nomic recovery over the next 2 – 3 years, which I don’t.
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