Dear Daily Crux reader, Here is your Crux AM update: Here are the 18 new taxes you could soon be paying thanks to Obamacare "Combined, the taxes will cost Americans $836.3 billion through 2022..." This could be the real reason Jon Corzine isn't going to jail "Those wondering why the Department of Justice has refused to go after Corzine for the vaporization of $1.6 billion in MF Global client funds need look no further..." An update on the most important "government gone wild" story of the year "This is a scary new chapter in our history..." ------------ Advertisement ---------- A wild banking loophole no one has caught onto yet There's a wild rumor going around about a major loophole in the U.S. retail banking system… One that enables you to get real, "hold-in-your-hand" silver from practically any bank in the U.S. All you do is say five specific words and – according to this rumor – you could walk out with a handful of silver. ------------------------------------- One surprising industry could get a huge boost from this summer's drought Dry conditions are affecting more than just crops... The Federal Reserve's own data show the economy could now be slowing dramatically This hasn't happened since before the financial crisis... It's time to be super-cautious with stocks "This could be trouble, at least for the rest of the month..." Regards, Justin Brill Managing Editor, The Daily Crux |
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
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Britannia Radio