Fish stocks are now nearly extinct! Well done, lads! Where next for the fish, then? Africa? I gather the EU is also fishing dry the coasts of Africa as well!I hate to say it - but it's all part of the "reduction by 80% of the global population" plan.I agree with the Comment that says "sink them" - it's a waste of a good shell, but it needs somebody! Please? If say three were sunk - that might concentrate their minds a bit!Oh.....sorry! We don't have a Navy now, do we? That's buggered up that plan, then.....!I do wish we had a government, I really do. Some people who were on our side, for a change! Fish, farming, immigration - all been allowed (if not actually encouraged!) to go to pot and down the tubes.MPs...please listen to me - this is NOT how it's done, my friends! You are ruining our nation - are you not in the least bit concerned about that?If you think what you are doing is correct - then for the Love of God tell us all why!For whom are you working - because it's certainly not us, the English people! (Not British, everybody is British - ethnic English!)"The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said: ‘It is vital that Britain continues to receive a benefit from all UK registered boats. We are reviewing the policy to ensure this remains the case.'
See? It's the damned Civil Service.....again! Always at the root of most problems! You would be better off employing Pensioners - believe me! Twice the work - in half the time - and done correctly!
V.V.V - Voices - Votes - Victory!
S====Foreign-owned trawlers taking a third of our fish in flagrant abuse of strict quota system
- Current British fish stocks 90 per cent lower than a century ago
A third of the fish caught in British waters are being landed abroad by foreign fishermen, it was claimed yesterday.
Trawlers owned abroad – but flying British flags – are accused of taking the fish away from the country in a flagrant abuse of our strict quota system.
Across Europe fish stocks are in long-term decline, with current British levels estimated to be 90 per cent lower than a century ago.
Abusing the system: Foreign-owned trawlers are accused of taking fish away from Britain
Many blame the Spanish for accelerating the process.
The foreign fishing companies are allowed to register their vessels in the UK and then buy or lease fishing quotas that were meant to be for British boats.
It is reported that, under this system, just five Spanish ships registered in one county are allowed to catch more hake in British waters than the entire Scottish trawler fleet.
The Spanish vessels reportedly have quotas for 1,650 tons of hake, compared with the Scottish fleet’s allowance of 1,570 tons.
According to government records, the five ships are part of 15 Spanish-controlled trawlers ‘based’ in Fleetwood, Lancashire – but which are said to never land their catch there. One of the vessels registered in the once-thriving port is the O Genita, which fishes from a UK quota.
It is owned by the Vidal family, who were recently ordered to pay fines and costs of £1.62million for illegal fishing.
A judge at Truro Crown Court (above) last month accused a group of foreign skippers and employers of 'systematic and repeated abuse' of limits imposed to protect British fish stocks
Passing the sentence at Truro Crown Court in Cornwall last month, Judge Graham Cottle accused the skippers and their employers of ‘systematic, repeated and cynical abuse’ of the limits imposed to protect British fish stocks.
According to the latest figures compiled by the Marine Management Organisation, British-registered fishing boats landed 606,000 tons of sea fish in the UK and abroad last year, worth £719million.
About a third of this – 196,000 tons – was landed overseas.
Critics say that even when foreign boats land their catch in British ports, the fish are loaded straight into lorries and taken abroad.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said: ‘It is vital that Britain continues to receive a benefit from all UK registered boats. We are reviewing the policy to ensure this remains the case.’
Monday, 20 August 2012
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Britannia Radio