John Mann Sabotage Attempt | BBC
The Left and Assange | Emanuele Ottolenghi
Wield the Axe, Cut Tax | Taxpayers' Alliance
Why We Have No Growth | ASI
Palace Tries to Gag Press | Telegraph
The Rise of the New Tory Right | Guardian
More Labour Playing Fields Hypocrisy | Conservative Home
Osborne’s Slow Death | Nick Wood
Beeb‘s Orwell Bias | The Commentator
Leveson Decides If You Can See Naked Harry Pics | Neil Wallis
Continuity Brown Has Failed | Douglas Carswell
Norman Fowler when Tory Chairman promised…
“I have set out the position of Mr. Asil Nadir fully and clearly. Let me make this clear : we will return the money if it was stolen.”
Fair play to the Lad. That’s what Soldiers do on leave. It’s good that one of the Royal family is not only a fighting man but up for a few drinks and completely hetro.
But I think this proves he’s definitey “Shagger” Hewitt’s son…