Friday, 31 August 2012

Prophecy News Headlines

Israel: God's Timepiece 
Egyptian Education Raises A New Generation To Hate Israel
A prominent Egyptian professor of political science admitted on Egyptian TV last week that institutes of higher learning in the region are purposefully stoking the flames of conflict between young Arab Muslims and Israel ...  Click here for full story
Christian Worldviews/Issues 
Why Does God Allow Hurricanes?
The shortest sermon I ever heard was delivered whimsically. On a Sunday night, many years ago, an associate pastor of a popular mega-church got up to preach. He said that the topic of his sermon was, "Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?"...  Click here for full story
Increase in Knowledge/New Technologies 
Drone Hijacking? That’s Just the Start of GPS Troubles
On the evening of June 19, a group of researchers from the University of Texas successfully hijacked a civilian drone at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico during a test organized by the Department of Homeland Security ....  Click here for full story
Increase in Knowledge/New Technologies 
Rebellion Erupts Over School's Student-Chipping Plan
A rebellion is developing in Texas against a plan by a school district in San Antonio that would monitor the exact location and activities of all students at all times through RFID chips they are being ordered to wear ....  Click here for full story
Other Events To Watch 
Russia Exits Syria – Conflict Imminent?
Russian naval vessels have unexpectedly departed the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus and Russian arms shipments to Syria have been suddenly discontinued ...Click here for full story
Increase in Knowledge/New Technologies 
Harvest America: Largest Single Presentation Of The Gospel In US History
Leaders at the Harvest Crusades estimate that 272,000 people attended the ministry's first-of-its-kind evangelistic event last Sunday that included those inside a nearly full baseball stadium in Southern California and others watching a live webcast feed at more than 2,400 host locations throughout the U.S. ...  Click here for full story
Rise of Islam 
Muslim Persecution of Christians Update
Several new reports indicate that Christian minorities all around the Muslim world—especially women and children—are being abducted, tortured, raped, and forced to convert to Islam ...  Click here for full story