The "Seattle Activism" group of anarcho-fascists held (and I am not
making this up!) a "Rachel Corrie Pancake Breakfast and Meetup"
If you think I am pulling your leg, open the link.
2. Reposting (response to the "My Name is Rachel" propaganda play
that is being staged all over the anti-Jewish world)
My Name is Horst?
From Prof. Steven Plaut
Rachel Corrie was an American member of the International Solidarity
Movement killed in 2003 in Gaza by an IDF bulldozer, whose driver did
not see her standing in its way to prevent demolition of an Arab home.
Since the parents of Rachel Corrie are in the process of suing Israel
and the Israeli Defense Forces for the suicide death of their clueless
daughter, it occurred to me that Rachel Corrie’s real role in history
is not appreciated by most people. It is to serve as the Horst
Wessel of the anti-Israel Left.
Let me explain.
Horst Wessel was an idealistic young German active in the Bismarck
Youth organization, a nationalist youth group Their “martyrdom” was in
fact a pathetic death due in large part to their own stupidity in
post-WWI Weimar Germany. That group was too tame for him and so he
decided to join the National Socialist German Workers' Party, better
known as the Nazi Party, in 1926, when he was 19 years old. Like
Rachel, he wrote poems and music, and he played the oboe. One of his
poems was called “Raise High the Flag.”
In 1930 when he was 23, he got into a dispute with his landlady, whose
husband was a communist party leader. Probably in response, on
January 14,1930, Wessel was shot in the face by Albrecht Höhler, an
active member of the local Communist Party. Wessel died in hospital
on 23 February. The murderer was sentenced to six years imprisonment
and was later himself murdered by the Gestapo. The communist party
denied it was involved in Wessel’s death and insisted Wessel was
killed only because of the rent dispute.
The Nazi Party however decided that Wessel would make a brilliant
martyr figure, and his tragic death could be exploited as political
ammunition to promote the agenda of the party. Goebbals and Goering
organized a giant show funeral for him. Wessel was commemorated in
memorials, books and films. Nazi newspapers compared him with Jesus.
The German navy named one of its training ships for him. The “Horst
Wessel Song,” based on Wessel’s “Raise High the Flag,” became the
official marching song of the Nazi Party. It was sang and played also
for party recruitment purposes. Nazi youth made pilgrimages to
Wessel’s grave site. [For more on the song see this: ] The
British fascists changed the words slightly and used the melody as
their own marching song.
Horst Wessel was obviously the Rachel Corrie of the anti-Jewish
movement almost 80 years before Rachel Corrie played a similar role.
In both cases, their “martyrdom” was in fact a pathetic death due in
large part to their own stupidity. In both cases the death of a naive
young person involved in extremist politics was exploited by the
pro-terrorism groups to which they belonged. In both cases the
“martyrs” were beatified by those seeking the murder and annihilation
of Jews.
The only appropriate response to the staging of the anti-Semitic
propaganda play, “My Name is Rachel,” in theaters around the world
would be now to stage a new play: one entitled “My Name is Horst.”
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"Lots of bad editorials are better than a beautiful obituary."
— An old Israeli saying from the times before "Osloporosis" struck the country.
"Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense."
"If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other."
— George Orwell, Partisan Review, 1942
"He who is merciful to the cruel, will end up being cruel to the merciful."
— Kohelet Rabbah
"The strength of the prophets of Israel lay in the fact that they proclaimed the Truth
when everything was against it."
— Andre Malraux
"If someone comes to kill you, kill him first.".. Midrash
"If someone kills an Israeli or Jew, fault lies not with the killer but with those who allowed the killing. (Israeli government or Jewish 'leadership')"..Rav Meir Kahane X"L
"It is normal for Arabs to kill Jews, always was-always will be. The Jews must build a wall of Zionism and take what is rightfully theirs." .......
...............Ze'ev Jabotinsky X"L
"If you give mercy to the wicked, then you will be wicked to the merciful"....Midrash
"Yeh though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear not evil, because I am the most dangerous son of man who ever walked through this valley"... Bernard J. Shapiro
"First They Came for the Jews"
By Pastor Niemoller

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
All my royalties from the sale of my book will go to the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies for important Zionist/educational purposes.