Thursday, 23 August 2012

Silence Of The BBC Sheep

I have been waiting for the BBC to leap into action over allegations of Tory sleaze, corruption and conflicts of interest, so far they have maintained radio silence on the matter. Normally they would be turning the screw in no uncertain manner…but not in this case…why not? Is it because Tory Tim Yeo is in the business of promoting the fable of man made climate change and therefore ‘my enemy’s … Continue reading

Rubbish In Rubbish Out

This is an update to this post. The BBC have explained why they completely messed up the weather forecast. First thing to know is that they didn’t mess up. Second thing to know is that, no, they didn’t ignore the computer model. Third thing to know is that they ignored LOTS of computer models from all over Europe. Why? Because they all gave different results, or as the BBC put … Continue reading

Monday morning and the site seems a bit more stable. We have been having nightmarish problems with our alleged server provider – who are utter crap – but thanks to ASE’s endeavours we may be making some progress in restoring service. I am so sorry this has been happening over the past few weeks, I appreciate all your concerned emails to me, but we are doing all we can. Thanks … Continue reading


Give THIS a listen. It’s a great example of the BBC being told what they do not want to hear by a Conservative MP. Evan Davis sounded desperate to cut Mark Reckless off – do listen and draw your own conclusions! I have to say that Reckless did very well in my opinion and refused to go down the road Davis wanted. As a further point of interest, I was … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes; “That poor self -regarding, humanity lover, , the only alleged abuser of women in the world to flee from justice and be applauded by left-wing women, the BBC, and the Guardian, yes, he, there’s only one, Assange, has put out a heart-shredding plea to, “Stop persecuting me.” In his support, Ecuador, that great champion of Assange’s human rights today, but yesterday widely condemned world-wide for …Continue reading

You’ll Never See Rain Again, Or Hurricanes, Or Snow…Just Lots And Lots Of Sunshine.

Very dodgy those BBC types…still trying to tell us everywhere is going to cook even when it’s pouring with rain! BBC apologises for forecasting sunshine after downpours dampen barbecue weekend BBC weathermen have been forced to apologise after ignoring computer forecasts predicting showers across South East England on Sunday. Still at least they can accurately forecast the climate in 100 years time and make us pay up front for …Continue reading