UKIP Polling 12% to LibDems 10%
Survation is the only pollster that prompts by party name (like on the ballot paper), they are once again showing UKIP on 12% ahead of the LibDems on 10%.
The division of the right-of-centre vote in a first past the post system is going to prove fatal for the Tories. Electoral logic will eventually force a new accomodation with UKIP…
In a full-throttle defence of Prince Harry against Murdoch – who was defended over the publication of the naked pictures by Louise Mensch – Nadine Dorries really opens up with both barrels into the soon to depart these shores MP. Nadine says Will Louise bite her lip or respond in kind? Louise Has Always Put Her Own Ambitions First | Nadine DorriesDorries on Mensch: Fires Both Barrels
A Free Press is in the Public Interest | Trevor Kavanagh
Lord Debden, Tim Yeo and £30 Billion in Green Lobbying | Telegraph
In Paul They Trust | Washington Times
BBC Balen Report Cover Up | The Commentator
Let’s Not Be Beastly to the Billionaires | ConservativeHome
Farage Eyes Working Class Labour Vote | Spectator
Conservative Future Not Fit for Purpose | Mail
Corporate Fascism Destroys Our Freedom | LibDem Voice
Plan A for Austerity | Dan Hannan
Has Russia Sold Out Iran? | Peter Glover and Michael Economides