Thursday, 30 August 2012

What I learned from the TV show "Bonanza"
Michele and I were doing some out-of-town street ministry a few weeks ago and as we flipped through the channels one evening in our hotel room we came upon an old re-run of “Bonanza.” I commented to my girlfriend/wife that I could remember when our family used to gather around the black and white Philco, eat some popcorn, and enjoy the escapades of Ben, Adam, Hoss, Little Joe, and Hop Sing their politically-incorrect chef...
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Click on the banner and order this historic masterpiece
Can Rand Paul Deliver the Paul Voters?
Ron and Rand both realized that they could not affect anything from the outside looking in with a critical eye. They both realized that they had to be in the game to affect the game. Many Rand Paul supporters realized the same thing when they chose to make Rand a Senator. Nobody would even know Ron Paul’s name had he not left behind 3rd Party fantasies and joined the Republican Party in order to become a member of........
by JB Williams
The world is bankrupt -- How it will affect you? Call Harvey or Jay at USA Gold Vault and protect your future with real money. 602-228-8203.
How ‘Wellness’ Will Make You Sick
Starting very soon, city employees will either have to sign up for the Chicago Lives Healthy “wellness program” or else—there’s always an “or else” in Chicago—pay an extra $50 a month for their health care plan (see “Chicago Pushing ‘Wellness Program on Its Employees” by Susan Jones,, Aug. 24 ). “Our program will change lives,” gloated Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who expressed delight that some.....
by Lee Duigon