America’s interest in Israel’s strategic value has always been the primary motivation for US support. The Israel-Iran countdown has begun, and with regard to Teheran’s nuclear race we are witnessing a great crisis in US-Israel relations. Will America help the tiny Jewish state? Can Israel trust the word of a US administration which treated Jerusalem like a banana republic? A few days ago, Israeli officials told Yediot Aharonot newspaper that “the US’ stance is pushing the Iranians to become a country at the brink of nuclear capability.” by Shmuel Sandler and Efraim Inbar BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 178, August 16, 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Many of Israel’s detractors on the left argue that Israel’s democracy is in a state of decline. A closer look shows that Israeli democracy is thriving. A gradual decentralization of power since Likud’s rise to the top in 1977 has given more political groups a chance to share power. The judicial system is strong and independent, and fearless in its prosecution of senior politicians. The end of party-affiliated journalism has allowed greater criticism of the government by the Israeli media. Minority groups enjoy greater rights than ever before. The army has become more professional and plays a smaller role in decision-making than before. When taking these factors into consideration, it is clear that Israeli democracy is doing quite well, despite the assertions of the fading left. This is the first time I heard of this. I’m glad so many Phillipinos are able to work in Israel and send money back home to help out their families. Jews honor Manuel L. Quezon on his 134th birthday As the country commemorates the 134th birthday today, August 19, of Manuel L. Quezon, he is also honored by thousands of Jewish families who have survived and prospered because they found a home in Manila at the darkest time in their history as a race. Watch these two videos if you want to be informed and entertained. Part I Part II They cover a speech given by an intelligent young black woman who was a lifelong liberal/democrat who blew the whistle on ACORN for whom she worked and Obama. Wait Out the War in Syria Bashar al-Assad’s wretched presence in the Presidential Palace of Damascus may, contrary to Western assumptions, do more good than harm. His murderous, terroristic, and pro-Tehran regime is also non-ideological and relatively secular; it staves off anarchy, Islamist rule, genocide, and rogue control of Syria’s chemical weapons. As Syria’s civil war intensifies, Western states are increasingly helping the rebels overthrow Assad and his henchmen. In doing so, the West hopes to save lives and facilitate a democratic transition. Many Western voices call for more than the non-lethal aid now being offered, wanting to arm the rebels, set up safe zones, and even join their war against the government. (Read more…) Q & A with Mayim Bialik: An observant Jew in Hollywood By JUDIE JACOBSON/JNS, JPOST “Big Bang Theory” actress and neuroscientist talks about her real-life role as an observant Jew. by Michael Ordman, who writes a weekly newsletter containing Good News stories about Israel. www.verygoodnewsisrael. This question was asked recently in “The Hindu” – India’s equivalent of the Jerusalem Post – only with a slightly larger circulation. The reasons for the Jewish State’s scientific success are an enigma to most of the world. How do they produce so many Nobel laureates? Israeli kids don’t start a degree course at eighteen and waste their opportunity having a good time in the university bar. Those who are driving the success of the Jewish State begin university life as mature, proactive individuals in their early twenties already having had leadership and technology training and experience in one of the most challenging organisation in the world – the Israeli Defence Forces. Every week there is at least one major discovery or innovation that emanates from one or other of Israel’s eight top Universities. (Read more…) If the deal flies then I am all for it, but, it sounds to be too good to be true. Also I doubt that Obama will agree to its terms without amendment. Why would Obama not want Israel to attack in October. Most analysts I have read think that he could cinch his election by supporting Israel’s attack. So if he is prepared to do it in the spring, why not now? Ted Belman DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 18, 2012, The White House this week scrambled to reconnect with Jerusalem after the Obama administration was persuaded that Israel was serious about conducting a fall military operation against Iran’s nuclear program before the Nov. 6 US presidential election – notwithstanding the heavy opposition guns firing against it at home and from Washington. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, assisted by their newly-appointed Home Front Defense Minister, were seen deep in practical preparations for this operation and its repercussions, as well an outbreak of hostilities with Syria and Hizballah. Will America forsake Israel, again?
(Read more…)The Fading Left and Israel’s Flourishing Democracy
(Read more…)Phillipines saved Jews escaping the holocaust
By Nena C. Benigno, Philippine Daily Inquirer
(Read more…)It takes guts
Pipes offers a voice of sanity on Syria
by Daniel Pipes
The Washington TimesA modern Jewish superwoman
(Read more…)How Does Israel Do It?
US-Israeli deal on Iran? No Israeli strike now if Obama pledged a spring attack
(Read more…)
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
A regular on the CBS hit sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”—in which she plays Sheldon’s friend who is not his girlfriend Amy Farrah Fowler—actress Mayim Bialik is also widely known for her lead role in the 1990s NBC sitcom “Blossom,” as well as for her portrayal of the young Bette Midler in “Beaches.” She has also appeared in Woody Allen’s “Don’t Drink the Water” and HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm”—as well as a slew of 1980s and 1990s TV series and late-night talk shows. Her recent appearances include recurring roles on “Secret Life of the American Teenager” and FOX’s “Til Death.” She portrayed 1960’s activist Nancy Kurshan in “Chicago 8.”
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