Wednesday, 12 September 2012

"Lots of bad editorials are better than a beautiful obituary."
— An old Israeli saying from the times before "Osloporosis" struck the country.
"Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense."
"If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other."
— George Orwell, Partisan Review, 1942
"He who is merciful to the cruel, will end up being cruel to the merciful."
— Kohelet Rabbah 
"The strength of the prophets of Israel lay in the fact that they proclaimed the Truth
when everything was against it."
— Andre Malraux
"If someone comes to kill you, kill him first.".. Midrash
"If someone kills an Israeli or Jew, fault lies not with the killer but with those who allowed the killing. (Israeli government or Jewish 'leadership')"..Rav Meir Kahane X"L
"It is normal for Arabs to kill Jews, always was-always will be. The Jews must build a wall of Zionism and take what is rightfully theirs." .......
...............Ze'ev Jabotinsky X"L
"If you give mercy to the wicked, then you will be wicked to the merciful"....Midrash

New Federal Study Claims US Vulnerable to Missile Attacks

Critical shortcomings in America’s network of early warning systems and missile interceptors could put the U.S. at risk of missile attacks.
By Rachel Hirshfeld
First Publish: Arutz Sheva - 9/12/2012, 4:34 PM

US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta (C) speaks with Commander of International Security Assistance
US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta (C) speaks with Commander of International Security Assistance ...Reuters
A number of critical shortcomings in America’s network of early warning systems and missile interceptors could put the United States at risk of a potential missile attack, according to a new report by the National Research Council.
The council has recommended that President Obama adopt a more aggressive missile defense strategy, similar to the one proposed by former President George W. Bush.
In so doing, the panel said, the president could set up the nation’s defenses to better defeat the long-range missiles that Iran may be developing.
“For too long, the U.S. has been committed to expensive missile defense strategies without sufficient consideration of the costs and real utility,” L. David Montague, the panel’s co-chairman, told The New York Times on Tuesday.
In the 260-page report, the panel recommended an overhaul that would make the antimissile system “far more effective,” including adding new sensors and interceptor rockets, as well as an additional base in Maine or upstate New York from which interceptors could be fired. The nation’s two existing bases are in California and Alaska.
The program is expected to cost approximately of $10 billion a year, for as long as it takes to develop and deploy the new missile defense systems.
The council's recommendations run contrary to White House's missile defense plans, which have admonished the notion of an East Coast missile shield, rather focusing on establishing a new missile shield in Eastern Europe.
In May, NATO approved U.S. plans to station a U.S. Navy ship armed with the Aegis anti-missile system in the Mediterranean, along with a radar station located in Turkey under the alliance's command.
The report said the domestic defenses in place could probably handle crude missiles fired from North Korea, but nothing more sophisticated. It called the current generation of antimissile arms “fragile” and full of “shortcomings that limit their effectiveness against even modestly improved threats,” The Times reported.
The report called for developing a new generation of interceptor rockets that would be smaller and more capable, as well as five new radars at existing early warning sites. The panel said these radars, combined with sensors aboard the interceptors, would provide more time to identify enemy warheads and shoot at them repeatedly if the first shots failed. 
"Yeh though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear not evil, because I am the most dangerous son of man who ever walked through this valley"... Bernard J. Shapiro

"First They Came for the Jews" 
By Pastor Niemoller

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." - Ayn Rand

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Freeman Note: Learn how to combat ignorance with the knowledge in Bernard's new book. It is jam packed with history, political, Judaic and military/strategic wisdom.
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Jews, G-d and Israel