Wednesday, 5 September 2012
The BBC never knowingly allows a chance to attack Mrs Thatcher go by however unlikely: Dr Daniel Conway, author of a paper on the politics of Margaret Thatcher’s clothing, and Tory MP Claire Perry, debate the what these suits reveal about the Iron Lady. According to Conway Thatcher’s dresses were a physical manifestation of her politics…. which were all about ‘narrow, selfish class concerns.’ No they weren’t…if anything the complete …Continue reading
Wake Up To Money A classic example of the BBC proving that they play the man and not the ball…..or rather attack the Tories whatever policy they come up with. How many times have you heard someone dragged onto the BBC to complain about banks not lending to them? How many times have you heard the answer to low growth is building more houses? How many times have you heard … Continue reading
At first, as I was reading this latest report by Mark Mardell I was thinking how amazing it was that it was not about this or that candidate, that it wasn’t about some political issue which affects the President, and that he had made a rare excursion outside the campaign trail to discover something else about the US besides political polarization. Here he is, I thought to myself, talking about … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio