Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Tuesday, 04 September 2012 08:28
'With any move made by the globalist controllers and their surrogates of the Anglo-American NATO strong arm, it is safe to assume that there is rarely only one reason for the implementation of any given plan. Thus, the wars of conquest and aggression raging in the Middle East, “Eurasia,” and Africa are by no means working toward one purpose alone.
Ever since the invasion of Afghanistan eleven years ago, a small but increasing number of brave journalists, researchers, and activists have been decrying the real reasons for the destruction of entire nations and the tragic loss of life imposed by the hands of NATO and other Anglo-American forces such as the puppet regimes located in the same regions as the target countries. Among these vassal states are the remnants of feudal monarchies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and others.'
Tuesday, 04 September 2012 08:23
'A professor who was injured in the London 7/7 bombings says he fears he might lose his right to stay in the UK.
Prof John Tulloch, who lives in the Vale of Glamorgan, once held a British passport and has spent most of his life living and working in the UK. But now semi-retired, he said he had been told he was no longer entitled to remain in the UK indefinitely.
The India-born academic believes he should be entitled to a UK passport but the UK Border Agency questions this. Prof Tulloch said he was born to British parents in India before independence but, unknown to him, this conferred a lesser form of British nationality known as a "British subject without citizenship".'
Tuesday, 04 September 2012 08:01
Tuesday, 04 September 2012 07:56
'Fresh questions about Britain’s role in Afghanistan were raised last night after commanders suspended the training of the country’s police militia amid fears it had been infiltrated by the Taliban.
Military chiefs took the drastic step in response to a rise in the number of murderous ‘green on blue’ attacks – where foreign troops have been killed by Afghan policemen or soldiers. Rogue members of the security forces have carried out 34 attacks this year, killing 45 coalition troops, including seven British servicemen – a quarter of the UK’s 31 war dead since January.'
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Britannia Radio