Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Thanks to GCooper in the comments who points out this revelation that the BBC tried to hide…and it’s a funny thing…can’t see many of the ‘best scientific experts’ amongst that bunch….lot of environmental pressure groups, businessmen, academics, media and charities….just a shame we don’t have a transcript of what they said: Full List of Participants to the BBC CMEP Seminar on 26 January 2006 January 26th 2006, BBC Television Centre, London … Continue reading
Saw this on Guido originally and thought exactly the same as the Telegraph fella….but thought nah!…must be more to this bloke Davie than that……. A rude, swaggering barrow boy. Meet the Beeb’s new (acting) DG – worse than the old one Seems not. Only blessing is there’s only one of him…Not Davies!
Why hasn’t Lord Patten resigned yet? He is clinging on to his quanocracy but he needs to go. The BBC Trust is now the BBC DISTRUST. Go, in god’s name, Patten, and go now.
Here’s the first attempt at thinking through a solution to the BBC’s problems that I’ve seen. Of course it depends what you think those problems are…and this is Labour’s Tessa Jowell: BBC crisis: let the public run our national broadcaster The BBC can weather this storm if we eradicate its culture of moral smugness The problems it faces are serious and need swift resolution, but they should not be allowed … Continue reading
Shame the BBC can’t tell us what will happen if we don’t get borrowing under control…what would happen then? Greece? Never mind they can tell us, in ‘intimate detail’ the ‘cost’ of the spending restrictions, or is that savings?, on people’s lives…..at least we get one side of the story! …and remember children….if you have no food on the table and the bailiffs are knocking and the dog’s got … Continue reading
“I have fought three elections against the BBC and don’t want to fight another against it.” Margaret Thatcher You have to grin when you hear the BBC great and the good running round with their fingers in their ears shouting about tight budgets, Hutton and top management being to blame….where have we heard similar before? ‘The Daily Star, though quite accurately at the time, and possibly … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio