Daily Crux reader,
Here is your Crux AM update:
Top energy agency: U.S. oil production will surpass Saudi Arabia's in just 5 years
"A dramatic reversal of the trend seen in most other energy-importing countries..."
This chart says more volatility is coming
"We have to be bullish the VIX here..."
While the world worries about the U.S. and Europe, another important economy has plunged into recession
"The global economy took another turn for the worse..."
New report says the FBI "suppressed" Petraus scandal until after the election
"The decision was made to avoid potential embarrassment to the president..."
Unusual tips for hiding valuables in your home
"Most people have something to hide..."
Top commodities trader: A new rally in gold has been confirmed
"This retest appears to be over..."
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Monday, 12 November 2012
Posted by
Britannia Radio