Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Tuesday, 13 November 2012 10:40
Such warm eyes
'The BBC has made grave mistakes and it must sort them out. But everyone, including us politicians, must keep cool heads and allow that to happen', says Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman who once 'called on ministers to make sexually explicit photographs or films of children legal unless there was evidence that the subject had been harmed.'
Lord Longford, uncle to Labour Party Shadow Secretary of State and Shadow Deputy Prime Minister Harriet Harman, was obsessed with paedophile child killer Myra Hindley.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012 10:04
'So now we know why the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee called a halt to more Quantitative Easing this week – it's because the Chancellor and the Governor of the Bank of England have concocted a backdoor way of doing the same thing.
The latest little (actually quite big at a tidy £35bn) money printing wheeze comes about as close to outright monetising of government spending as it is possible for the Bank of England to go without simply creating the money and handing it by the lorry load to the Treasury, a la Weimar.
What the Treasury has decided to do is take the accumulated interest payments on the stock of government debt the Bank of England has bought under quantitative easing, and credit it to the Government's books rather than the Bank of England's. The total is £35bn, of which the government intends to take £11bn this financial year and £24bn next.'
Tuesday, 13 November 2012 09:43
'Three of Britain’s biggest water companies paid little or no tax on their profits last year, it emerged yesterday.
Thames Water and Anglian Water are understood to have paid no corporation tax on the profits made from their utility businesses.
Yorkshire Water is thought to have kept its payments to HM Revenue & Customs in the low millions. All three made hundreds of millions of pounds of operating profit and have rewarded bosses and shareholders with huge performance-related bonuses and dividends.'
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Britannia Radio