Monday, 12 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012 10:15
'A huge 'Big Brother' style database containing details of around eight million schoolchildren is being compiled without the knowledge of their parents.
IT systems specialists are creating the database - including such information as a child's age, sex, and academic records - which can be shared among officials from other agencies such as the police, NHS and charities.
Teachers are uploading information on pupils as often as six times a day to the database, created by Capita, one of the UK's largest contractors to both central and local government.'
Monday, 12 November 2012 10:10
'RAF Top Guns could soon be patrolling the skies over Syria under a new Cameron-Obama plan. The Prime Minister is preparing to use the RAF to enforce no-fly zones across President Assad’s trouble-torn country in a bid to stop mass slaughter.At this week’s National Security Council meeting in Downing Street Syria will be number one on the agenda.
According to Whitehall sources, British special forces are helping to train rebel assassination squads to target President Assad and his warlords.
Troops from the SAS, SBS and Paras from the Special Reconnaisance Regiment are in Syria helping show insurgents how to use new weapons and explosives. Mr Cameron and newly re-elected US President Barack Obama are also considering military action and officially arming rebels.'
Monday, 12 November 2012 10:06
'How is that Kool-Aid tasting? Congratulations America.
You just elected an avowed communist who believes in eugenics and is committed to the takedown of this country and to the destruction of 90% of all living people on the planet. A few of us who are enlightened enough to plan beyond next Friday are wondering how could America re-elect a degenerate such as Obama? The plain and simple truth is that we re-elected him because the people in our nation suffer from abject stupidity. America has become an emerging third world nation because the education system in the United States is deliberately designed to dumb down the masses.
Please spare me the rhetoric that the federal government is trying to reform and improve education. From George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind to Obama’s Race to the Top, these “reform efforts” are designed to indoctrinate our youth into accepting the normalcy of living in a police state, the false doctrinces of global warming and eco-tyranny and the inevitability of the establishment of a tyrannical totalitarian global government.'
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Britannia Radio