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Scallywag magazine editor on how the Tories covered up paedophile ring that Jimmy Savile procured for
Sunday, 11 November 2012 10:44
By David Icke
'In his letter, Simon documents Scallywag's investigation into the North Wales Child Abuse scandal and the tragic cover-up by the Courts and the Establishment.
Whilst the Police stole the affidavits the abused children had made, naming their high profile abusers, the notes of the interviews were kept by investigator Andrea Davison only to be seized by the Derby and North Wales Police in January 2010.'
Is It Only Me??
By David Icke
Child abuse scandal can of worms – just who is Mail on Sunday reporter David Rose?
'I make no apology for telling you my heart went out to Mr Messham when I read the Mail on Sunday piece attacking him. It seemed to me he was being abused all over again. The article in the Mail on Sunday is clearly an attempt on the part of sections of the British establishment to strike back at allegations which potentially could bring down some of its most powerful members, and Mr Messham is probably just collateral damage in their eyes.
But what’s most interesting for me about the disgusting article is its author - a man called David Rose.
Who is he?'
(Mail newspapers have a history of trashing paedophilia stories.)
Paedophile scandal: Convicted North Wales care home boss is working in family-friendly hotel
John Allen - a gofer in the ring while the controllers wear smart suits and drive, or are driven in, expensive cars.
The Mainstream Media - Doncha Love 'Em?
From the UK 'radical' New Statesman:
'Sometimes big stories can be ignored by news organisations because there is corruption, and sometimes because they simply can’t be stood up. So when did we start putting so much trust in Twitter rumours and David Icke?'
Answers: (a) there are rumours and there is fact and intelligent people can discern the difference; and (b) when more and more people realised that system-servers like The New Statesman are talking irrelevant bollocks.
Simple, really. Even for you.
Background note from David Icke:
What even many more open-minded people can't grasp is the almost unimaginable scale of child abuse, murder and sacrifice worldwide and how it is the very cement that holds the global Establishment together, locally, nationally and internationally.
The bigger picture is why paedophilia? I can answer that question very simply, but it needs a really open mind to accept it and they are not the majority, of course. These people are possessed by sheer evil and thus express sheer evil.
This is why paedophilia is so fundamentally connected to Satanism - or one reason why. Satanic ritual ensures the total possession of the 'vehicle' and the paedophilia expresses that possession to allow the possessing entity to feed off the child's life-force.
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