Friday, 17 May 2013

Shoebat Newsletter
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We Shouldn't Let these Crises go to Waste
The devil has hopefully had his day and We the People have suffered all the crises that the ultra liberal Democrats have used to implement their agendas, from the financial reforms of Sarbanes Oxley, Obamacare, attempted gun control, the ultra political correctness of shielding Islam from their terror agenda, the phony war on women, along with the homosexual marriage agenda as well as the indoctrination of our schools to name but just some of the socialists agenda led by our dear leader.

It appears the President whose narcissism and over self-confidence, partially aided by a compliant media who worshiped him instead of doing their jobs as the fourth estate of government, has brought the eventual downfall if not outright crash and burn of this presidential administration. The destruction of this administration is both self-imposed by the arrogance and corruption of the regime; it should be fiercely disposed of by the American people. Obviously, if all the combined scandals were exposed prior to the election last year the president would never have been re-elected.
Do Benghazi emails released by White House contradict Hillary’s January testimony?
Problems continue to be mounting for the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. When the Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes identified former State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland as being involved in the altering of Benghazi talking points, the mouthpiece for Hillary was implicated. Now that the White House has released more emails, it appears Hillary’s former Deputy Chief of Staff has been further implicated in changing those talking points as well and with a high level White House official.

Let’s go back to Hillary’s written testimony / opening statement on January 23rd at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. In it, she said, in part:
Must-See Video: Fort Hood Heroes (Part II)
Last October, a group called Fort Hood Heroes produced an awesome video that featured survivors of Nidal Malik Hasan’s Fort Hood Jihad attack. We have been eager to see Part II ever since and it is now available.

If you haven’t seen Part I yet, click here.

Also, be sure to visit

This is Part II, entitled Broken Promises:
In Other News...