Saturday, 18 May 2013

A selection of recent media reports

1,000 pupils and rising - primary schools go sup
Number of primary schools with more than 1,000 pupils has risen by 60% in past three year The number of supersize (18-May-2013)
Picture of illegal immingrant escaping from a tanker while covered in white powder
Look out ... migrant on top of the tanker
The Scottish Sun (18-May-2013)
Romanian and Bulgarian Immigration Row - Fact vs Fear [VIDEO SPECIAL]
IBTimes UK presenter Marverine Cole investigates pros and cons of EU migration to Bri
International Business Times UK (17-May-2013)
Census figures show Christianity in sharp decline whilst belief in Islam dramatically increases
More than one in 10 under 25s in the UK now describe themselves a
The Independent (17-May-2013)
Islington immigration scammer ordered to pay thousands in fines by judge
A Peruvian national who ran a number of Islington-based immigration advice firms has be
Islington Gazette 24 (17-May-2013)
Half Foreign People Hold UK Passports
At least 46% of foreign-born residents in England and Wales are British citizens, according to the latest set of 2011 Cens
Security Oracle (17-May-2013)
Immigration fine could see Mosque Kitchen closed
THE manager of an Indian restaurant facing a fine of up to £70,000 for employing illegal immigrants today s (17-May-2013)
Mass migration or myths and stereotypes?
The tabloids are smearing Roma - but we've heard these myths before.
NewStatesman (17-May-2013)
The government is building a network of spies to make immigrants' lives impossible
Just try renting a house on a valid student visa after the latest proposals go
NewStatesman (17-May-2013)
'People in Lincolnshire are not closet racists' - MP
REGIONAL MP Edward Leigh MP used the debate on the Queen's Speech to highlight the concerns of Lincolnshire p
This Is Grimsby (17-May-2013)
Half of UK's migrants arrived in just one decade, says census
NEARLY four million people came to England and Wales in the ten years between 2001 and 2011, according to
City A.M. (17-May-2013)
Council wrongly classed asylum seeker children as adults
Croyden in south London pays out almost £1.2m in legal costs over wrong decisions about age-disputed
The Guardian (17-May-2013)
The legacy of Labour's migrant search parties
Earlier this week, Lord Mandelson made the astonishing claim that Labour had been so keen on mass immigration that i
Mail Online (17-May-2013)
How Labour's open door to migrants changed UK
MORE European immigrants arrived in Britain in the past decade than the previous 40 years, Census figures revealed ye (17-May-2013)