Saturday, 18 May 2013

Dear Daily Crux reader, 

Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top-selling products in the industry right now… 

If you own gold for "disaster insurance," read this... 
For an item to function as THE medium of exchange – which can be used to purchase a wide range of goods with varying values – it must be divisible. Divisibility is one reason why precious metals have been used as money throughout history. There are two cost-effective divisible gold options available to you now...

Learn this champion investor's strategy 
This guy won the U.S. Investing Championship two out of three years – generating a three-year compounded return of 1,379% while picking winning stocks only 50% of the time... He did it by using a simple two-word strategy that typically requires staying glued to a stock ticker all day. But now you can use the exact same strategy without all the grunt work...

Collect a $1,638 "rent" check every month 
Some investors have found a way to collect huge "rent" checks every month by partnering with one of the world's biggest "landlords." One man from Ontario gets $1,638/month. Another in Arizona gets an amazing $5,969/month. One Texas man's checks have grown to $23,220/month! And they're receiving these checks without owning any real estate! Learn how you can join them...

Extremely violent price swing expected 
Natural gas prices in Europe are $15/mcf. Gas prices in the United States are $4/mcf. The coming "price correction" (back to equilibrium) could be violent... And it could profoundly upset the energy markets any minute. One company sits perfectly positioned. Energy expert Karim Rahemtulla just slapped a $300 price target on the stock. Get the full details for yourself...

On August 1, the "unthinkable" could happen… 
Harry Dent – the economist who has correctly predicted nearly every major financial event over the last 25 years – says that this summer, one of America's largest retailers may shut its doors. In his latest special presentation, he'll show you how to get its ticker symbol to ensure you're not holding this financial death-trap...


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux