Friday, 17 May 2013

Open Thread Friday

A bit liked the Augean Stables the BBC bias is non stop and is a task beyond normal mortals to clean up…having no handy rivers to divert through Broadcasting House to flush it out…all we have is the torrent of good advice and comment from you….go for it!

Farage Barrage

    To the BBC the BNP are racist, violent thugs, but Scottish Nationalists are romantic rebels fighting for a free Scotland.   Nigel Farage doesn’t agree and he’s not impressed with the BBC either: Nigel Farage condemns ‘fascist scum’ who forced him to take refuge in Edinburgh pub The Ukip leader Nigel Farage has condemned the “fascist scum” who forced him to take refuge in an Edinburgh pub and hung up …Continue reading 

The Womb as a Weapon ….Onward Christian Soldiers

  A pretty disgraceful treatment of Christians by the BBC in comparison with their treatment of Muslims…here playing up claims that Christians are trying to outbreed Muslims…whilst at the same time the BBC downplays suggestions that Muslims might outbreed Non-Muslims in Europe.   The BBC constantly states that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that it presents no threat to a secular/Christian democratic society…whilst happy to label other religions … Continue reading 

Catching Up With Katz

  Bishop Hill points out why Katz ticks many of the BBC’s boxes when it comes to recruiting talent as demonstrated by this article by Katz demanding action on climate change: The beauty of 10:10 is that it’s both achievable and meaningful The world’s response to global warming is a classic case of all mouth and no trousers. This new initiative aims to show that we can all act now … Continue reading 

Mainstream Scientists Say……Oh I don’t Know What They Say

    The old question that was used to demonstrate the futility of a particular line of thought was ‘How many angels could you fit on the head of a pin?’…the new question is ‘How many ‘Mainstream Scientists’ can you get into a Roger Harrabin report on global warming’?     On the Today programme this morning Harrabin was going through the usual smoke and mirrors routine that he has … Continue reading 

Small Pond

  This has raised many a comment on the open thread already so I’ll lob my two penn’th  in. You have to laugh sometimes.   The BBC fulminated against the appointment of a Fascist as manager of Sunderland football club but have no problems recruiting a left winger who actively campaigned against Bush in the US elections to head up Newsnight. Fascism has little to do with running a football club…but … Continue reading 


    If Margaret Hodge’s grasp of Stemcor’s company accounts is any indication of her grasp of Amazon’s or Starbuck’s then I don’t think they have anything to worry about. In this Sky News video  (via Guido) she is left floundering when asked for details of Stemcor’s profits and taxes paid upon those the UK. Note the completely different treatment by the BBC as it runs for cover as …Continue reading