Friday, 17 May 2013


Removing Checkpoints Puts Jewish Lives in Danger  

Laura: Any government which places not offending the enemy and gaining the approval of the international community over the very lives of its own citizens, is by definition treasonous.  The blood of Evyatar Borovsky is on the hands of Israel’s cowardly political leadership.
I Paid a Shiva Call This Week
The writer visited the Sofia, the young widow of Evyatar Borovsky, murdered father of five. The Arab who killed him wasn’t stopped at a checkpoint. These checkpoints save Jewish lives, but they inconvenience Arabs, so they have been removed.
I paid a shiva call this week. It was a particularly difficult one as I joined the Women in Green who organized a mini bus to take us to the village of Yitzhar in Samaria.
There, we met Sofia and her little ones, aged one through seven, mourning Evyatar Borovsky,the latest Jewish victim of Arab (“Palestinian”) terror in our Land of Israel. The Israeli media was quick to point out that it has been almost a year and a half since the last”incident” Not to be too concerned or draw any rash conclusions. Jews will be knifed at bus stops from time to time. It happens – especially over there

After ban, Poland may reinstate kosher slaughter  

Poland cut its own throat
Farmers, producers and now lawmakers say they regret kibosh being put on kosher and halal meat in deference to animal rights
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — For some, it was a barbaric way to treat animals. For others, it was great business.
Until January, slaughterhouses across Poland — a deeply Catholic nation — were the unlikely venues for the Islamic and Jewish slaughter of animals, which in both religions involves a swift cut to the throat of a conscious animal and death by bleeding.
Millions of euros were being made exporting the halal and kosher meat to countries like Egypt, Iran and Israel, as well as to Muslim and Jewish markets inside Europe.

The Interfaith Racket: Passport to Credibility  

by Douglas Murray
May 16, 2013 at 5:00 am
Because Ahmed was the first Muslim peer, most people were eager to do anything they could to cover for him, forgive him, reinstate him time and again – and even now are not able to believe the words that came from his mouth in Pakistan because they differed from the words that came from his mouth at interfaith meetings in London.
Interfaith dialogue is one of those things it can seem impossible to be against. What reasonable, rational person could possibly object to people of different faiths coming together and discussing their differences? Well, as with any negotiation, the problem only really comes if one individual, or group of individuals, heads into the discussion ignorantly or naively while another knows exactly what he is planning to get from it.
Such is the case with much of the interfaith dialogue conversations in Britain today and there can be no better exemplar than that thrown up by an old friend of this column – the disgraced ex-Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham.

Remove antisemitic textbook from US schools  

I know this organizationPJTN and Laurie Cardoza-Moore. They are true friends of Israel and the Jewish people. Please sign the petition and support their work. Ted Belman.

Syrian-Israeli war of words via Putin edges into Syrian-Hizballah war of attrition.  

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Netanyahu ended their three-hour meeting in Sochi Tuesday, May 14, at loggerheads on Syria. In fact, Putin warned his guest that Israel and its army, the IDF, were heading for war with Syria in which Russia might well be involved – and not just through the advanced S-300 anti-air missiles supplied to the Assad government. The case Netanyahu and Military Intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi put before Putin and Russian foreign intelligence chief, SVR Director Mikhail Fradkov, fell on deaf ears.
They found the Russian leader further infuriated by the docking that day at Israel’s Red Sea port of Eilat of the USS Kearsarge, carrying 1,800 marines and a consignment of 20 V-22 Osprey helicopters which US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel had promised to supply to Israel during his April visit.

Ted Belman