Removing Checkpoints Puts Jewish Lives in Danger
Laura: Any government which places not offending the enemy and gaining the approval of the international community over the very lives of its own citizens, is by definition treasonous. The blood of Evyatar Borovsky is on the hands of Israel’s cowardly political leadership.
After ban, Poland may reinstate kosher slaughter
The Interfaith Racket: Passport to Credibility
May 16, 2013 at 5:00 am
Because Ahmed was the first Muslim peer, most people were eager to do anything they could to cover for him, forgive him, reinstate him time and again – and even now are not able to believe the words that came from his mouth in Pakistan because they differed from the words that came from his mouth at interfaith meetings in London.
Remove antisemitic textbook from US schools
Syrian-Israeli war of words via Putin edges into Syrian-Hizballah war of attrition.
Ted Belman