Thursday, 16 May 2013

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Syrian-Israeli war of words via Putin edges into Syrian-Hizballah war of attrition.
USS Kearsarge which docked in Eilat
USS Kearsarge which docked in Eilat
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 16, 2013, 10:58 AM (IDT)
Binyamin Netanyahu left his meeting with Vladimir Putin Tuesday certain that Moscow had given Assad the go-ahead for his threat to make the Syrian Golan the platform for a war of attrition against Israel with the help of Hizballah armed with advanced weapons and other proxies. The next day, a pro-Assad Palestinian terrorist organization shelled Mt. Hermon. Israel countered swiftly with a threat to remove Assad from power. DEBKAfile: Tehran is also egging him on to launch a war of attrition which appears to have begun.
Moscow & Hizballah Team up
Syrian Chemical warfare – out: Russian-Hizballah deal – in.
Israel Prepares for War in Syria
IDF troops massed along Syrian and Lebanese borders.
Iran’s Basij Goons in Damascus
More Iranian and Hizballah troops pour into Syria.
Putin and Netanyahu talk three hours at Sochi
Putin and Netanyahu talk three hours at Sochi
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 14, 2013, 6:42 PM (IDT)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spent three hours with President Vladimir Putin in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Tuesday, May, 14, trying to head off advanced Russian anti-air S-300 missile systems sales to Syria. Instead, the Russian leader issued a warning relating to Israel’s air strikes against Damascus on May 3 and May 5: "In this crucial period it is especially important to avoid any moves that can shake the situation," said Putin. He also indicated that heat should be directed on Washington to reverse its policy on Syria and Assad.