Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Israel Poverty Rate Tops 20%

Formerly Egalitarian State Now Poorest Developed Country 

The rich-poor gap in Israel has widened dramatically.

The architects and founding leaders of the Jewish State would be proud of its remarkable achievements in high-technology industries and other fields … but deeply disappointed by today's economic news. Social democratic ideals have been battered; from the socialist Labor Zionist pioneers to the anti-socialist (Revisionist Zionist) Rosh Betar, the brilliant and charismatic rebel and statesman, Vladimir (Ze'ev) Jabotinsky, whose economic ideology was basically that of a welfare state, in the classic, European sense, practically all leaders, parties and factions believed strongly in social justice.


Eurozone in Longest-Ever Recession

Austerity Deepens Economic Misery for Millions

Germany can't pull the Eurozone out of recession.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Is Obama's Nuclear Iran Red Line Fading?

Pro-Administration Think Tank Considers Defeat

Obama's election assured Iran of at least four more years to achieve a strategic objective: nuclear weapons. Barring a miraculous development, his reelection all but guaranteed that the Islamist nation would soon become a nuclear weapons state.

The news isn't surprising because Obama (of "the Muslim World") came to power seeking a Grand Bargain with the Iranian regime. Rebuffed by the atomic ayatollah, his mad mullahs and their maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Obama unreservedly embraced Turkey's neo-Ottomon Islamist regime and Egypt's clerical fascist Muslim Brotherhood. And the rest is history: springtime for Islamists across the Arab world, winter for secular Muslims, minorities and … Israel … America's only real ally in the Middle East.

The cruel joke is that there are still so many Obama supporters who see their preacher-in-chief as … progressive. Not since Moscow-controlled Communist Party members dutifully followed Stalin after his perfidious pact with Hitler have left-wingers behaved this badly.


Russia to Israel: Hands Off Syria

Bibi's Trip Backfires 

Israel is caught between a rock and a hard place as Russia continues to support--and arm--the Iran/Hezbollah-backed Syrian regime in its war against Islamist rebels supported by the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

Read more.

Syria is FUBAR.


Paul Krugman On the Crumbling Case for Austerity

Austerity--savage spending cuts during recession when stimulus is obviously called for--has failed miserably at home and abroad. The real mystery is why the positively irrational policy was ever seriously considered, let alone adopted, in the first place.

Read more.

And click below for a related video on the shocking but true state of wealth inequality in the United States.


Radical Islam in Action: Gunmen Attack Liquor Stores in Baghdad

What the US Wrought in Iraq: Islamist Hell

Islamist gunmen attack liquor stores in Baghdad, kill 12. Another day in the Islamist hell that the United States has helped to create across the Arab world under the banner of democracy promotion. 

Fact: Iraq was a contained secular enemy--accents on secular and contained--with no weapons of mass destruction and no meaningful connections to Al Qaeda, in sharp contrast with (a) Iran, a country that  assisted Al Qaeda before and after 9/11, and was (and still is) a rising Islamist power with ballistic missiles, chemical and biological weapons--and a nuclear arms program--and (b) Saudi Arabia, a duplicitous oil-rich monarchy … actually, a dysfunctional, extended family business passing as a legitimate country … with neither human nor civil rights … which spawned Al Qaeda and supported the Taliban, the monstrous, medieval gang that harbored and aided Al Qaeda before and after 9/11.

As a result of the wholly unnecessary and horribly costly and counterproductive U.S. intervention in Iraq, from which the U.S. has yet to recover, Iraqi secular society was basically destroyed and the country was turned into a Shiite-dominated … Iranian satellite … and a center for Al Qaeda and affiliated Sunni Islamist terrorists, many of whom have migrated to Syria in order to join the U.S./Saudi/Turkish-backed Sunni Islamist insurrection against an embattled … secular … Shiite offshoot (Alawite)-dominated dictatorship that is propped up by Shiite Islamist, non-Arab Iran, its Shiite Islamist, Lebanese Arab terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, and … Russia … which (a) is itself threatened by Sunni Islamists, including groups linked to the Boston Marathon bombers, and (b) is still seething over the U.S. covert intervention in Afghanistan … the Cold War-era conflict that brought the Taliban to power, contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union …  and led to formation and cancerous spread of Al Qaeda.

So it goes.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Assad Gaining in Syria

Backed by Russia--Moscow is determined to prevent Syria from becoming another Libya--and Iran and its Lebanese Shiite Islamist proxy, the foreign terrorist organization Hezbollah, the Syrian regime appears to have turned the tide against Sunni Islamist rebels stirred up and supported by the United States, Europe, Turkey, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, and Saudi Arabia.


Obama Opposed to Iran Oil Cut-Off

Sanctions and diplomacy have failed to stop Iran's atomic advance. Nevertheless, the Obama administration's answer to the Iranian threat is … still more sanctions and failed diplomacy. 

Read more.


New SARS and Bird Flu Diseases Cause Concern

Global health officials are monitoring and studying two new worrisome disease outbreaks. Click here for the story.


Syrian Rebel Leader Accuses Israel of Aiding Assad

A leader of the Sunni Islamist insurrection that could bring Al Qaeda to power in Syria has accused Israel of aiding the country's embattled secular dictator and his Shiite Islamist Iran and Hezbollah backers.

Read more.