- Welcome to The State of the European Union (See attachment also)
The third annual conference of The State of the European Union will take place at the Egmont Palace in Brussels on 6 June 2013.
Thursday, 6th June 2013
- Lazslo Andor, European Commissionner for Employment and Social Affairs
- Pedro Sainz de Baranda, CEO, OTIS Elevator Company
- Ferdinando “Nani” Beccalli-Falco, President and CEO of GE Europe CEO GE Germany
- Maurizzio Botta, President, 3M Italia (Live from Milan)
- Olivier Campenon, EMEA President, BT
- Martin Campiche,Chief Sales & Marketing Officier, Germany & Europe, GE Germany International (Live from Frankfurt)
- Stephen Collins, Vice President Corporate Affairs Microsoft EMEA
- Karel de Gucht, European Commissioner in charge of Trade
- Patrick Deconninck, Senior Vice President, 3M Europe
- Alain Dehaze, Member of the Group Executive Committee, Adecco
- Philip Dunne, President and COO, Prologis Europe
- David Earnshaw, CEO, Burson-Marsteller Brussels
- Dr. Alan Epstein, Senior VP Innovation & Sustainability, Pratt & Whitney
- Javier Gimeno, Professor of Strategy, INSEAD
- Robert Gogel, CEO, Integreon and Editor in Chief, The State of the European Union
- Eduardo Eugenio Gouvea Vieira, CEO, Parnaso and FIRJAN
- Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania (Live from Vilnius)
- Jacques Guers, President, Xerox Europe
- Angel Gurria, Secretary General of OECD (Message from Paris)
- Aymar Hénin, CEO, Compass Group
- Peter Herweck, Head of Corporate Strategies, Siemens
- Per-Ola Karlsson, Senior Vice-President, Booz & Company Europe
- Bruno Lanvin, Director of eLab, INSEAD
- Jean-Pierre Letartre, CEO France, Luxembourg and Maghreb, Ernst & Young
- Marc Lhermitte, Partner, Ernst & Young
- Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Former President of Brazil (Message from Sao Paulo)
- Pascal Macioce, Chief Operating Officer, Ernst & Young EMEIA
- Dorthe Mikkelse, Vice President Mid Europe, MSD
- Cindy Miller, President, UPS Europe
- Dominique Reiniche, Chairman of the Europe Group, The Coca-Cola Company
- Bernadette Segol, Secretary General of ETUC (Message from Dublin)
- Pierre Van Beneden, CEO, RSD
- Bernard Vergnes, Chairman, European Executive Council
- Peter Zemsky, Interim Dean, INSEAD Business School